AltWeeklies Wire
Springfield, Ill., Was an Important Station on the Underground Railroadnew
Part of the intrigue of the Underground Railroad is its mystery -- we'll never know the whole story. Its activists tried to keep their work secret, so they kept no official records; many African-American participants couldn't read or write, which prevented them from leaving records. What we know comes from oral histories, journals, and memoirs sometimes found by luck.
Illinois Times |
Tara McClellan McAndrew |
07-21-2008 |
Forget Indiana Jones, Meet Illinois Shapironew
A reincarnated Union general's search for the lost crystal skull of Peru.
Illinois Times |
C.D. Stelzer |
06-13-2008 |
Missing Linknew
The jury's still out on area church's new Lincoln claim.
Illinois Times |
Roland Klose |
09-27-2007 |
Tags: history
New Info Uncovered on Campaign to Crush the Progressive Minersnew
Bombings, shootings, and other violence were common during the labor strife of the 1930s, when two unions battled for supremacy in the central Illinois coalfields.
Illinois Times |
C.D. Stelzer |
06-21-2007 |
Tags: history
The Link Between Honest Abe and George
The Walkers were kin to man who helped put Lincoln in the White House.
Illinois Times |
Roger Hughes |
04-05-2007 |
Tags: history
Bush's Slavesnew
Records show the Walker branch of President George W. Bush's family, which settled in central Illinois, included slave owners.
Illinois Times |
Roger Hughes |
04-05-2007 |
Tags: history
Ghosts in the Atticnew
In a bag of trash, there's a treasured link to one of Springfield's favorite sons.
Illinois Times |
Dusty Rhodes |
11-09-2006 |
Tags: history
Are Some Abe-Related Historical Sites Getting Shortchanged?new
Ousted Illinois Historic Preservation Association director Maynard Crossland says the state's pumping money into the new Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, but other Illinois historical programs, including popular Lincoln sites, aren't getting the funds they need.
Illinois Times |
Tom Teague |
09-10-2004 |
Tags: history
Revisionist History: Dig Upsets Descendant of Freed Slavenew
A former University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign professor has denounced
recent efforts to recreate what is considered the country's first town
founded by an African American.
Illinois Times |
Todd Spivak |
07-15-2004 |