AltWeeklies Wire
Jonestown's Medicine Mannew
A young Houston physician designed a lethal cocktail that killed more than 900 men, women, children and babies at a place that was supposed to be a paradise but is better known as Jonestown.
Houston Press |
Craig Malisow |
01-30-2013 |
The Bloody, Sexy Beginnings of Valentine's Daynew
When you're giving your significant other overpriced flowers and candies tomorrow, remember this: You're celebrating the brutal beheading of a dude who just wanted to help horny youngsters.
Houston Press |
Richard Connelly |
02-14-2012 |
Tags: Claudius the Cruel, St. Valentine
Rush to Judgmentnew
In World War II, Houston attorney Leon Jaworski prosecuted a group of black American soldiers -- in a hurried-up trial, they were court-martialed and sentenced to hard labor. The verdict was probably wrong, and Jaworski had a lot to do with that.
Houston Press |
Josh Harkinson |
06-27-2006 |
Tags: history