AltWeeklies Wire
Hanging the Messenger
How Viacom killed Dan Rather and the story of Bush's National Guard service.
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Paul Rosenberg |
01-16-2008 |
The ABCs Of 9/11
Disney's TV network errs, blames Clinton.
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Paul Rosenberg |
09-15-2006 |
Tags: media
GOP vs. Free Speech Online
After much prodding from below, Democrats come together to stop the corporate power-grab of the Internet and support Net Neutrality.
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Paul Rosenberg |
07-05-2006 |
Tags: media
Advocacy Journalism
We're encouraged to see journalism as dispassionate -- but passive acceptance of murderous priorities in our midst is a form of de facto advocacy.
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Norman Solomon |
05-19-2006 |
Tags: media
Surrogate Attacks
When all else fails, the Bush administration blames the media -- through its surrogates.
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Norman Solomon |
03-23-2006 |
Tags: media
War-Loving Pundits
The third anniversary of the Iraq invasion was bound to attract a lot of media coverage, but scant recognition went to the pundits who helped make it all possible.
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Norman Solomon |
03-16-2006 |
The Unreal Death of Journalism
From local car crashes to catastrophes
in faraway places, deadly events are grist for the media mill, but the coverage is almost always superficial.
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Norman Solomon |
02-23-2006 |
Tags: media
Flying High With Boeing
Why the heck is a political show on public television getting a lot of its budget from one of the biggest players in the Washington sweepstakes for Pentagon contracts?
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Norman Solomon |
01-19-2006 |
Tags: media
The Media Politics of Leaks

When thinking about leaks, it's very important to assess whether a journalist has been a watchdog or a flunky for powerful officials.
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Norman Solomon |
01-11-2006 |
Tags: cia spy leaks, Valerie Plame
Media New Year’s Resolutions for 2006
Who could possibly be in more need of guidance for the next year
than the big media outlets that have besieged us during the previous
365 days?
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Norman Solomon |
12-29-2005 |
Tags: yearinreview2005
Michael Moore Is Rubber, His Critics Are Glue
Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" is an indictment of the elite national media as much as the Bush Administration. That same media has, unsurprisingly, turned its guns against Moore.
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Paul Rosenberg, Senior News Editor |
07-12-2004 |
Tags: media