AltWeeklies Wire
Hiding the Sausagenew
How ALEC, a well-funded right-wing organization, is grinding out state laws.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
09-16-2011 |
Policy Issues
Planned Personhoodnew
The pro-life movement’s newest attack on reproductive rights raises its profile in Florida.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
01-31-2011 |
Policy Issues
Change Can't Waitnew
An Orlando activist struggles with a broken health-care system.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
08-06-2009 |
Policy Issues
Tags: health care, Orlando
Beyond the Box: Orlando's War on Panhandlingnew
The latest in a long history of the city's attempts to curtail panhandling in Orlando, efforts that landed the city on the National Coalition for the Homeless' list of the 20 meanest cities in America in 2003.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
09-20-2007 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Who Would Jesus Sue?new
The Liberty Counsel, the "in-house" law firm for conservative, right-wing causes, is active nationwide trying to stop the legalization of gay marriage.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffrey C. Billman |
08-07-2004 |
Policy Issues