AltWeeklies Wire

Mass. Proposes Bill to Feed Homeless With Leftoversnew

A bill proposed in March 2009 by State Rep. Paul McMurtry would give restaurants and cafeterias the freedom to donate their edible, cooked leftovers to food pantries and homeless shelters.
Dig Boston  |  Catherine Krug  |  04-28-2010  |  Policy Issues

Consensus on the Censusnew

Every ten years, a survey is sent to each household in America to find out just how many people live here. Answering basic questions that pigeonhole you demographically might not sound that tough, but in the past it's proven to be a sweat-inducing task for many Americans.
Dig Boston  |  Catherine Krug  |  03-10-2010  |  Policy Issues

Consensus on the Censusnew

Every ten years, a survey is sent to each household in America to find out just how many people live here. Answering basic questions that pigeonhole you demographically might not sound that tough, but in the past it's proven to be a sweat-inducing task for many Americans, reminding them of those high school aptitude tests with challenging queries like, "How many people actually live in my house?" and "does my significant other's part-time residency count?"
Dig Boston  |  Catherine Krug  |  03-03-2010  |  Policy Issues

Mass. Turnpike Toll Hike Will Do Little in the Long Runnew

The hike smacks of sticking a finger in the leak of a bulging dam.
Dig Boston  |  Cara Boyles  |  10-17-2007  |  Policy Issues

Pro-Casino Arguments Ain't Nothing but a Mathqueradenew

Outside of Dr. Clyde Barrow's papers and studies that casinos have funded, hard numbers for casinos' economic benefits, by and large, don't exist -- and if it's problematic that Gov. Deval Patrick built a major policy decision on one man's research, it's doubly so that that research comes with a warning from the governor's own staff.
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel and Paul McMorrow  |  09-27-2007  |  Policy Issues

Barbers Are Red Over Blue Lawsnew

A working stiff now has to endure his razor-stropping without State Street Barbers' complimentary bottle of beer, because the Commonwealth's Board of Registration of Barbers has just put the kibosh on barbershop alcohol.
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel  |  03-14-2007  |  Policy Issues

A Big, Fat Gamblenew

As Massachusetts considers allowing its citizens to become trembling slot zombies, we debunk casino gambling's big promises.
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel  |  02-22-2007  |  Policy Issues

License Deniednew

After personally navigating the Mass. Registry of Motor Vehicles -- an infinitely complex, post-9/11 bureaucratic labyrinth beyond my wildest nightmares -- the noise about the rampant theft of citizenship becomes a lot harder to believe.
Dig Boston  |  Chris Faraone  |  11-15-2006  |  Policy Issues

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