AltWeeklies Wire
North Carolina sues FCC over municipal broadbandnew
Lawsuit says federal government overstepped its authority
INDY Week |
Jeffrey Billman |
05-21-2015 |
Policy Issues
How Do Eugenics Victims Find Justice?new

This year, the North Carolina Legislature approved monetary compensation for the state's eugenics victims. Is that enough?
INDY Week |
Belle Boggs |
10-09-2013 |
Policy Issues
Some facts about offshore tax dodgersnew
The Internal Revenue Services' Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program offers incentives for taxpayers to disclose their secret foreign bank accounts.
INDY Week |
Staff |
05-02-2013 |
Policy Issues
Tags: taxes
Straight talk on Obamacarenew

What will -- and won't -- happen under health care reform.
INDY Week |
Jonathan Weiler |
07-16-2012 |
Policy Issues
National report recommends ending use of chimps in biomedical researchnew

"Use of these animals should be permissible only if forgoing their use will prevent or significantly hinder advances necessary to prevent or treat life-threatening or debilitating conditions."
INDY Week |
Maggie Smith |
12-23-2011 |
Policy Issues
Tags: Animal Research
Are the Charges Against John Edwards Legitimate, or Politically Motivated?new

Edwards' defense team says the indictment accuses their client of breaking a law that doesn't exist. The trial is set to open in January.
INDY Week |
Ned Barnett |
11-03-2011 |
Policy Issues
Bankrupt, the U.S. Postal Service has signed millions of dollars worth of questionable contractsnew
The Postal Service is leasing nearly 1,000 postal buildings from current or former employees and paying millions in rent to postmasters and carriers, in apparent violation of federal regulations.
INDY Week |
Travis Fain |
09-09-2011 |
Policy Issues
Tags: USPS
Connecting the Dots on Americans for Prosperitynew
The right-wing group Americans for Prosperity protested financial reform advocates, the Center for Responsible Lending, in Durham last week. Now the Indy untangles AFP's web of conservative cohorts.
INDY Week |
Samiha Khanna and Lisa Sorg |
04-29-2010 |
Policy Issues
Tags: AFP, Americans for Prosperity
People with Eating Disorders Can't Get Adequate Health Insurance Coveragenew

Unlike schizophrenia, depression and other mental illnesses, eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia are not often covered by health insurance. People are exhausting their life savings for treatment — or dying from a lack of it.
INDY Week |
Rebekah L. Cowell |
02-25-2010 |
Policy Issues
Sweepstakes Cafes: A Rip-Off Coming to Your Low-Income Neighborhoodnew
Since a state law passed last year created the loopholes, sweepstakes cafes have flourished throughout North Carolina. Yet that these businesses are opening is less notable than where they're opening—many of them in low-income and/or minority neighborhoods where people have little to spend and a lot to lose
INDY Week |
Lisa Sorg and Joe Schwartz |
02-25-2010 |
Policy Issues
Wake Commission Nixes Abortion Coverage for County Employeesnew
The News & Observer is reporting that Wake County Manager David Cooke changed the policy Wednesday and that elective abortions are no longer covered. The county's self-insurance plan, The N&O reported, will pay for abortions in cases of incest, rape or danger to the life of the mother.
INDY Week |
Bob Geary |
02-12-2010 |
Policy Issues
N.C. Lawmakers Debate Using Industry-Backed Info on Broadband Accessnew
The people who live in rural Halifax and Nash counties northeast of Raleigh are among the poorest in the state. State Rep. Angela Bryant says that, with all the challenges her constituents face, among their top concerns is a lack of affordable access to the internet.
INDY Week |
Fiona Morgan |
02-05-2009 |
Policy Issues
Cities Fight Bill to Limit Broadbandnew
The North Carolina legislature is considering a bill that would severely restrict the ability of local governments to provide broadband internet access -- everything from municipal wi-fi to wiring rural areas could be affected.
INDY Week |
Fiona Morgan |
06-07-2007 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Growth Rules!new
An Independent Weekly investigation of an obscure North Carolina board finds that business trumps the public interest on the state's Rules Review Commission, which has the last word on all state rules and regulations.
INDY Week |
Jennifer Strom |
07-08-2005 |
Policy Issues
The Triangle Unwirednew

Around the country, some cities say providing cheap wireless Internet access is as essential as water. Why not in the North Carolina Triangle?
INDY Week |
Fiona Morgan |
03-28-2005 |
Policy Issues
Tags: North Carolina, technology, Internet, BellSouth, broadband, Carrboro, digital divide, Durham, Raleigh, verizon, Wi-Fi, WiFi, wimax, wireless