AltWeeklies Wire

Emerging Church Movement Brings Postmodern Christian Dialogue to Baltimorenew

Three years ago, the words "emerging church" would likely elicit a blank stare. Now, mention the movement and people might start talking about Shane Claiborne, author of Jesus for President: Politics for Ordinary Radicals, emerging-church guru Brian McLaren's "Everything Must Change" conference, or Scot McKnight's Jesus Creed blog.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Diane Reynolds  |  04-08-2008  |  Religion

Anonymous Takes On Scientologynew

Project Chanology pits an anarchic, leaderless group of mostly young and tech-savvy activists organized through online forums and chat rooms against a religion formed in the 1950s whose adherents believe a science-fiction writer laid down the course to world salvation.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Chris Landers  |  04-08-2008  |  Religion

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