AltWeeklies Wire

Pipeline Would Bring Tankers Into B.C. Inletsnew

Although governments prefer to dance around the prickly question of an oil-tanker ban on the British Columbia coast, conservation groups, many First Nations, and other critics say the reasons for a moratorium still stand: simply that tanker traffic and oil spills pose a serious threat.
The Georgia Straight  |  Andrew Findlay  |  02-09-2009  |  Animal Issues

Are B.C.'s Bee Colonies the Latest to Die Off?new

Most of the Canadian beekeeping industry says the huge bee die-off here actually had nothing to do with colony collapse disorder -- instead, it was simply caused by a harsh winter and an outbreak of Varroa destructor mites.
The Georgia Straight  |  Alex Roslin  |  08-20-2007  |  Animal Issues

Humane Husbandrynew

Researchers in UBC's animal-welfare program tackle hard questions -- like how much pain animals really feel.
The Georgia Straight  |  Roberta Staley  |  07-06-2007  |  Animal Issues

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