AltWeeklies Wire
Forrest vs. The State of Ohionew

After a near-fatal shooting, one dog joins the fight against Ohio's antiquated animal protection laws.
Cleveland Scene |
Eric Sandy |
01-31-2013 |
Animal Issues
Beasts of the Northern Wildnew

A field guide to Cleveland's alarming, alluring summer animalia.
Cleveland Scene |
Kyle Swenson and Vince Grzegorek |
08-02-2012 |
Animal Issues
Exotic Theoriesnew

After Zanesville, an Oklahoma advocate cries conspiracy.
Cleveland Scene |
Vince Grzegorek |
06-21-2012 |
Animal Issues
Poisoned by Purina: The Case of the Alpaca Massacrenew

Jerry Forstner's farmhands found alpacas bleeding from the eyes and shrieking in pain, as a result of eating feed from Purina Mills that was dosed with salinomycin -- a chemical used to kill parasites in pigs and chickens, but which is deadly to alpacas.
Cleveland Scene |
Denis Grollmus |
05-02-2008 |
Animal Issues
Animal Abuse,
Prosecutors knew Patty Brooks made a living abusing animals. They just couldn't stop her.
Cleveland Scene |
Rebecca Meiser |
01-11-2008 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
The Ohio Queen Project Creates 'Super Bee'new

Beekeepers are attempting to breed a bee immune to disease and the cold to deal with colony collapse disorder.
Cleveland Scene |
Rebecca Meiser |
11-09-2007 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Eating Mr. Ednew
No one in America wants Black Beauty for dinner. The meat of the horses auctioned off in Sugarcreek, Ohio, is nearly all sold to countries like France, Belgium, Italy and Japan, where horse is a delicacy.
Cleveland Scene |
Denise Grollmus |
05-11-2005 |
Animal Issues
Expose Ends in Legal Tussle Over Lionnew

Al Guart, a New York Post reporter, set out to show how easy it was to buy exotic animals in Ohio. The story generated a custody battle over a lion.
Cleveland Scene |
Rebecca Meiser |
04-19-2005 |
Animal Issues