AltWeeklies Wire
Is Philly's Animal Control Finally Under Control?new

This week, the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is finally getting out of the business it had no business being in in the first place.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Tara Murtha |
03-29-2012 |
Animal Issues
Tags: PSPCA, Philadelphia Animal control
Maybe it's Time for Philadelphia to Consider Banning Pit Bullsnew

On the weekend of Feb. 19, there were three serious pit bull attacks across Philadelphia. A 52-year-old woman nearly lost her left hand to one of the dogs. Ten-year-old Philip Sheriff was found facedown on a ballfield, his right arm almost severed.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Jacob Lambert |
03-15-2010 |
Animal Issues
Animal Crackersnew
The holidays can be as stressful for our pets as they are for us -- a few animal channelers try to explain why.
Philadelphia Weekly |
G.W. Miller III |
12-26-2006 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
An Elephant's Never Forgottennew
Why is Philadelphia about to lose its largest residents?
Philadelphia Weekly |
G.W. Miller III |
11-13-2006 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues
Bird of Paradisenew
Pigeons are hip and cool, so don't be a hater.
Philadelphia Weekly |
Sara Kelly |
05-08-2006 |
Animal Issues
Tags: animal issues