AltWeeklies Wire
U.S. White Supremacist Videotapes Anti-Nazi Rally in New Westminsternew
A significant figure in the American white-supremacist movement was videotaping people who attended a March 21 antiracism rally at the Braid SkyTrain station in New Westminster.
The Georgia Straight |
Charlie Smith |
03-26-2010 |
Race & Class
Commemorating a Race Riotnew
On Sept. 7, representatives from five communities -- Chinese, Japanese, South Asian, aboriginal, and labor -- will commemorate Vancouver's anti-Asian riot of 1907.
The Georgia Straight |
Carlito Pablo |
08-31-2007 |
Race & Class
Tags: race relations
Studies Suggest It Still Pays to Have Light Skinnew
Economist Krishna Pendakur has the figures to show that white Canadians still earn the most on average.
The Georgia Straight |
Carlito Pablo |
06-01-2007 |
Race & Class
Tags: race relations
Canadian History of Slavery Far From Black-and-Whitenew
At the bottom of the ladder of wealth and prestige, slavery continues to resist pat categorization.
The Georgia Straight |
Terry Glavin |
04-13-2007 |
Race & Class
Tags: race relations