AltWeeklies Wire
Years Before Sammy Davis, Josephine Baker Was Desegregating Vegas Casinosnew
It seems almost like a fairy tale in which a lone black woman—before the civil rights movement, before the integrated Rat Pack appeared on the Strip, even before the Voting Rights Act—stood against the powers that were in Vegas in 1952 and won.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Richard Abowitz |
02-19-2009 |
Race & Class
UNLV Prof Questions Science Behind Finding African Ancestorsnew
Rainier Spencer, the founder and director of UNLV's Afro-American Studies Program, thinks programs offering to link American blacks to their African lineage through DNA (for a fee) are a black-on-black rip-off, since they commercialize a promise they can't truly keep.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Damon Hodge |
05-02-2008 |
Race & Class
What Beauty Pageants Can Teach America About Race Relationsnew
Barack Obama's lightning-fast ascendancy notwithstanding, I wonder if we're placing too much emphasis on his historic run and creating a false barometer by which to measure how far America has come on race relations. Fact is, in contests that are every bit as protracted and ornery as presidential primaries, blacks have been winning for nearly a generation.
Las Vegas Weekly |
Damon Hodge |
04-25-2008 |
Race & Class
Is a Race War Underway in Las Vegas?new
Are local incidents between blacks and Hispanics isolated flare-ups or harbingers of a larger problem?
Las Vegas Weekly |
Damon Hodge |
04-18-2008 |
Race & Class