AltWeeklies Wire
Snake Charmernew
Jim Harrison pens a companionable narrative.
Missoula Independent |
Joe Campana |
03-15-2007 |
Making Nicenew
Richard Ford lightens up in the third act.
Missoula Independent |
Joe Campana |
11-30-2006 |
Tags: Richard Ford, The Lay of the Land
Lives Less Ordinarynew
Claire Davis returns with a collection of short stories aimed squarely at the moment of truth.
Missoula Independent |
Azita Osanloo |
10-20-2006 |
Tags: Claire Davis, Labors of the Heart
Born to Runnew
Six Days of the Condor author James Grady cuts the lunatics loose.
Missoula Independent |
Joe Campana |
10-12-2006 |
Tags: James Grady, Mad Dogs
Top Gradenew
Ivan Doig rules the Western Schoolyard.
Missoula Independent |
Joe Campana |
07-06-2006 |
Tags: Ivan Doig, The Whistling Season
Wasting a 'Fortune'new
Another chick-lit cash-in shortchanges a gender.
Missoula Independent |
Azita Osanloo |
06-22-2006 |
High and Mightynew
Wyman packs a Western punch.
Missoula Independent |
Azita Osanloo |
03-17-2006 |
Tags: High Country, Willard Wyman
Beating the Drum, Dullynew
This Bellwether Prize winning novel about a (fictional) Alaskan alt-weekly editor's moral conundrums is too do-gooder for its own good.
Missoula Independent |
Azita Osanloo |
02-02-2006 |
Heavyweight Champnew
Jim Harrison, writing at the top of his game, inhabits his characters without hijacking them.
Missoula Independent |
Brad Tyer |
10-06-2005 |
Wrong Turnnew
James Lee Burke's latest gets lost at the crossroads
Missoula Independent |
James Lee Burke's latest gets lost at the crossroads |
07-08-2005 |
Tags: James Lee Burke, Crusader's Cross
Historical Dictionnew
Rick Bass messes with Texas.
Missoula Independent |
Brad Tyer |
06-09-2005 |
Tags: Rick Bass, The Diezmo
A Heavy Pournew

Unlike many of today’s crime writers, wedded to their research and well-documented auras of realism, James Crumley understands that a lot of exaggeration goes a long way when you want to capture the essence of a place.
Missoula Independent |
John Freeman |
05-13-2005 |
Tags: James Crumley, The Right Madness
Love Reexaminednew
A classic opera is retold with modern flair.
Missoula Independent |
Azita Osanloo |
04-21-2005 |
Buddha Barksnew
In Pam Houston's new novel, a talking dog is woman's best friend.
Missoula Independent |
Azita Osanloo |
03-24-2005 |
Tags: Pam Houston, Sight Hound
High and Drynew
Wyoming's distaff Faulkner returns to home turf.
Missoula Independent |
John Freeman |
12-09-2004 |