AltWeeklies Wire
Making A Green Noisenew

Rushelli Luna and Rhonda Webb, the driving force of Make a Green Noise, make things come alive like the vegetables and flowers they planted in a vacant lot in Compton.
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Terelle Jerricks |
12-13-2012 |
Retired Industry Expert Joins Gas Refinery Fight in the Los Angeles South Baynew
After spending more than three decades working in the oil industry, Connie Rutter is the perfect citizen advocate to advance the community’s effort to shut the dangerous Rancho LPG tank facility.
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Paul Rosenberg |
02-23-2012 |
The Right To Breathe Free: A School Nurse Speaks Outnew
A nurse at a school for homeless children in Long Beach opposes development projects that are likely to have a negative effect on local air quality.
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Suzanne Arnold |
03-21-2009 |
Clean Air Plan Puts Pressure on Ports
The AQMD aims for 50 percent smog cuts by 2020.
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Paul Rosenberg |
10-25-2006 |
Tags: environment
$81 Million– Record settlement Ends AQMD suit with BP-ARCO
On March 17 British Petroleum/ARCO West Coast settled a landmark case $81 million with AQMD on a suit worth $260 million.
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Mike Easterbrook |
04-01-2005 |
Tags: environment