AltWeeklies Wire

The Legacy of the Poisoned Clark Forknew

Montana’s rivers, any fly-fisher will tell you, are everything a real river should be. Not the upper Clark Fork. Not yet, anyhow.
Missoula Independent  |  Brad Tyer  |  10-07-2011  |  Environment

A Grizzly Comebacknew

Are grizzlies ready to come off the endangered species list?
Missoula Independent  |  Alex Sakariassen  |  05-31-2011  |  Environment

It's Not Easy Going Greennew

The University of Montana's goal of carbon neutrality by 2020 may sound great, but key elements of its plan could prove problematic.
Missoula Independent  |  Erika Fredrickson  |  08-09-2010  |  Environment

Cap and Trade-off: Baucus Compromises on Climate Change, Toonew

Sen. Max Baucus' critics condemned him for taking millions from the health care industry as he led the effort to reform it. Now critics are voicing the same refrain over climate change legislation.
Missoula Independent  |  Matthew Frank  |  12-09-2009  |  Environment

Gassed Up: Study Shows Montana's Emissions Have Jumped 36 Percentnew

Environment America, a national conservation group, announced last week that Montana has had a 36 percent jump in carbon dioxide emissions between 1990 and 2007. The state's increase dwarfs the average 19-percent rise across the nation and, since 2004, only Oklahoma's emissions grew faster than Montana's.
Missoula Independent  |  Jessica Mayrer  |  11-24-2009  |  Environment

The Natural Burial Eco-Trend Reaches Montananew

Every year, traditional burials put an estimated 30 million board feet of casket wood, 1.6 million tons of concrete from burial vaults, more than 800,000 gallons of embalming fluid and 90,000 tons of steel from caskets into the ground. Whatever happened to naturally returning to the earth?
Missoula Independent  |  Skylar Browning  |  09-17-2009  |  Environment

Prosecution's Case Against W.R. Grace is Dying as Time Drags Onnew

U.S. attorneys intend to prove at an upcoming trial that six W.R. Grace executives conspired to keep the truth about asbestos contamination secret from the federal government for more than a quarter century--contamination that has claimed the lives of hundreds of residents.
Missoula Independent  |  Patrick M. Klemz  |  01-09-2009  |  Environment

Superfund, or Superfraud?new

The EPA wants you to look at the Milltown Dam and see Superfund restoration at work. Look further and see the costly truth.
Missoula Independent  |  Patrick M. Klemz  |  06-26-2008  |  Environment

A Nobel Causenew

University of Montana climate scientist Steve Running talks about being part of the international committee that won the Nobel Peace Prize earlier this month.
Missoula Independent  |  John S. Adams  |  10-29-2007  |  Environment

Libby Meets Manhattannew

Connecting the dots between a New York terrorist attack and a Montana mining disaster.
Missoula Independent  |  Paul Peters  |  08-02-2007  |  Environment


Across the country entire honeybee colonies are mysteriously disappearing -- can Montana's beekeepers survive?
Missoula Independent  |  John S. Adams  |  03-08-2007  |  Environment

Coming Homenew

Former Forest Service Chief Dale Bosworth on fire, frustration and the future of the woods, with a look also at new chief Abigail Kimbell.
Missoula Independent  |  John S. Adams  |  02-22-2007  |  Environment

What the EPA Doesn't Knownew

Seven years and $110 million after the EPA began its Libby asbestos cleanup, a new report admits the agency has no idea if Libby is any safer.
Missoula Independent  |  Paul Peters  |  12-08-2006  |  Environment

True Believersnew

Montana's Christian environmentalists crusade for an ecological revival.
Missoula Independent  |  Steven Hawley  |  10-22-2006  |  Environment

Two Steps Forward in Libbynew

The EPA finally admits that a disputed report on the EPA's asbestos cleanup in Libby exists, but the agency still refuses to release it.
Missoula Independent  |  Paul Peters  |  10-20-2006  |  Environment

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