AltWeeklies Wire
Getting Lost on the Neches Rivernew
Jim Schutze gets lost canoeing the Neches River, and finds the wildlife refuge Dallas wants to dam to secure its water supply.
Dallas Observer |
Jim Schutze |
04-27-2009 |
Despite Tough Times, Energy Conservation Bills Gain Traction in Legislaturenew
"Going green" used to be considered a luxury, especially in a faltering economy. But as the Texas Legislature convened last week amid a budget squeeze, a determined coalition of lawmakers and lobbyists acted on the premise that conserving energy is nothing less than an absolute necessity.
Dallas Observer |
Megan Feldman |
01-26-2009 |
Green Cement Plants Could Mean Cleaner Air and Lower Costsnew
A growing number of local governments are turning to "green cement" resolutions to rectify North Texas' status as a shameless failure when it comes to complying with clean air standards.
Dallas Observer |
Megan Feldman |
11-10-2008 |
Is there Natural Gas Beneath Dallas County?new
Drillers -- and cities -- are betting Barnett Shale riches are headed Dallas' way.
Dallas Observer |
Pablo Lastra |
10-14-2008 |
Getting Schooled on the Nasty Politics of Dirty Airnew
Clean air advocates in North Texas think they can win merely because they're on the side of the facts and the angels -- but they don't know how to fight the Austin way.
Dallas Observer |
Matt Pulle |
09-10-2007 |
Tags: environment
Banana Workers Claim Pesticide Made Them Lose Virilitynew
A Dallas County jury will be hearing a case to determine whether Dole Food Company Inc. is responsible for the sterility of hundreds of Costa Rican workers. The case is part of a massive wave of litigation over the pesticide DBCP.
Dallas Observer |
Rick Kennedy |
03-15-2005 |