AltWeeklies Wire
Edmonton’s Great Green Shiftnew

Edmonton eyes carbon-neutral future despite lack of leadership from higher governments.
VUE Weekly |
Josh Marcellin |
04-25-2014 |
Tags: edmonton environment
Weathering the Stormnew

Extreme weather and climate change's effects on prairie birds.
VUE Weekly |
Rebecca Medel |
03-07-2014 |
Hanging by a Wirenew

Overhead power lines dominate the Alberta landscape, but their safety is called into question.
VUE Weekly |
Rebecca Medel |
02-14-2014 |
Fair is Fairnew

Fair-trade organizations make sustainability more than a fringe cause.
VUE Weekly |
Madeline Smith |
09-26-2013 |
Tags: Fair Trade
Total Annihilationnew

What's the deal with Alberta's rat-free status?
VUE Weekly |
Ryan Bromsgrove |
08-27-2013 |
Water Crisisnew

Too many First Nations reserves living with contaminated water in third-world conditions.
VUE Weekly |
Rebecca Medel |
03-20-2013 |
Garbage Goes Greennew

New biofuels facility will further divert waste from Edmonton's landfill.
VUE Weekly |
Rebecca Medel |
03-07-2013 |
Tags: Recycling, Edmonton Landfill
Fight for Rightsnew

Small northern Alberta First Nations band could force government to regulate oil industry.
VUE Weekly |
Josh Marcellin |
09-21-2012 |
U.S. Opinion Leaders Emphasize Importance of Tar Sands Reviewnew

Premier Ed Stelmach is incensed that Barack Obama won't swallow his pro-oil industry and anti-environment rhetoric when it comes to Aberta's tar sands.
VUE Weekly |
Ricardo Acuna |
04-20-2011 |
Failure to Enforcenew

The Alberta government fails to enforce its own laws on toxic tailings ponds and the tar sands.
VUE Weekly |
Mimi Williams |
09-02-2010 |
Tags: Alberta Tar Sands
Happy Anniversary, Kyotonew
Anniversaries offer us the opportunity for reflection on the past and a re-commitment to the future. Let's hope that this Dec 11, the 10th anniversary of the day the international community reached agreement on the Kyoto Protocol, does the same for the nations of the world as they meet in Bali to create the framework for the next phase of global action on climate change.
VUE Weekly |
Scott Harris |
12-06-2007 |
Tags: Kyoto, environment
Up In Smoke: A Decade of Canadian Inactionnew

A decade after the international community agreed to the Kyoto Protocol, and five years since Parliament ratified the agreement, there isn't a lot of good news about how Canada has done in living up to its international obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
VUE Weekly |
Scott Harris |
12-06-2007 |
Tags: Kyoto, environment