AltWeeklies Wire
Class Strugglenew

The rise and fall--and rise?--of Baltimore's community schools movement
Baltimore City Paper |
Andrea Appleton |
11-09-2010 |
Two New Books Take a Hard Look at the State of America's Public Schoolsnew
Baltimore schools today are in another round of substantial "reform" and two new books by important players in the national debate about how and where kids learn have direct relevance to the changes now taking place in the city
Baltimore City Paper |
Michael Corbin |
04-12-2010 |
Baltimore Bookstore Works to Create a Free Schoolnew

The latest endeavor for Red Emma's, a Baltimore bookstore and activist hive, is building a free school to introduce an alternative to the usual institutional school tuition system.
Baltimore City Paper |
Bret McCabe |
06-02-2009 |
Considering a Radical Education Strategy's Potential in Baltimorenew
The model of the Harlem Children's Zone represents a growing social scientific consensus on the nature and seeming perpetuity of urban poverty. The "Zone" is a 97-block area in Harlem that has been turned into a European-style social democracy, a cradle-to-college conveyor belt to the American middle-class for Harlem kids.
Baltimore City Paper |
Michael Corbin |
01-27-2009 |
Matters of Life and Deathnew
Maryland's only Mortuary Science program teaches students to think outside the box.
Baltimore City Paper |
Chris Landers |
10-23-2007 |
Tags: Education
Advocating -- and Protesting -- For City School Moneynew
Algebra Project holds "die-in" to protest board's refusal to support education rally.
Baltimore City Paper |
Jason Torres |
04-10-2007 |
Tags: Education