AltWeeklies Wire

Eye From the Eastnew

Coming to the States was a necessity for me to be able to think clearly without facing the aggressive power of the Arab culture. I am like a survivor from a wreck, but I do not want to run, leaving others stuck there, alone. I want to cure my past wounds, to help myself be stronger in order to stretch my hands out to my own country.
Jackson Free Press  |  Kawkab al-Thaibani  |  12-27-2007  |  Commentary

Protecting God's Green Acrenew

Warning to all politicians: While you're bickering and lying about each other, and fighting over who owns God, the Green Revolution has arrived. And guess what: It's not for free-love hippies anymore.
Jackson Free Press  |  Donna Ladd  |  12-13-2007  |  Commentary

A Brainwashed State of Christmasnew

Holiday encouragement for the hopeless, jobless, broke and stressed out individual who feels like ending this year with a bang or two.
Jackson Free Press  |  Sue Doh Nem  |  12-13-2007  |  Commentary

Blame It On Hip-Hop ... Againnew

It's embarrassingly easy to blame hip-hop or a "street" mentality for today's "urban holocaust." But do you really think these events are happening because black kids are listening to Soulja Boy? Hell no! It's simple: M-O-N-E-Y and the lack of it.
Jackson Free Press  |  Kamikaze  |  12-13-2007  |  Commentary

The Darker Side of Christmasnew

In a time of terror alert levels, a war seeing American kids dying overseas daily and division within the country unlike that seen in decades, maybe American listeners are ready for a thoughtful song reminiscent of simpler times of Christmas' past.
Jackson Free Press  |  Rob Hamilton  |  12-11-2007  |  Commentary

The Blind Hatred of Three Brothersnew

As a middle-school boy, I felt this maniacal surge of fury (since pegged as jealousy), and felt compelled to find the kids who were buying Hanson's albums and smash their CD players. Today, I think I'm finally ready for their bubble-gum goodness.
Jackson Free Press  |  Rob Hamilton  |  11-28-2007  |  Commentary

Queen of the Fleasnew

The past three weeks of my life have been one long personal jihad against the fleas currently residing in my house. I call it a "jihad" because the fleas have progressed to the point where they are affecting my mental health: It's me or them.
Jackson Free Press  |  Lori Gregory  |  11-20-2007  |  Commentary

'Tolerance' Key to Our Economynew

When we are no longer the "land of opportunity," we lose something that makes us extraordinarily attractive as a nation -- and as a state.
Jackson Free Press  |  Todd Stauffer  |  11-20-2007  |  Commentary

Thank God I'm Whitenew

There isn't a single time I get home from going through a roadblock when I haven't screamed at my boyfriend, "Thank God I'm white!" as soon as I walked through the door.
Jackson Free Press  |  Lori Gregory  |  11-20-2007  |  Commentary

Fake It 'til You Make Itnew

Choosing to love, like choosing to listen, can take effort, but like everything that you have to work for, the rewards can be great. We can, perhaps, achieve world peace through actively choosing to love instead of knee-jerking into hatred.
Jackson Free Press  |  Ronni Mott  |  10-12-2007  |  Commentary

We Are Awake Nownew

Black America is awake now, and they are mad as hell.
Jackson Free Press  |  Kamikaze  |  09-27-2007  |  Commentary

A Good Woman Lives Herenew

Domestic abuse is about control and power. Don't be another good, dead woman, or the man that kills her.
Jackson Free Press  |  Ronni Mott  |  09-27-2007  |  Commentary

The 40-Year Testnew

Who will we go see in 40 years, singing along to their music next to our children and grandchildren? The choices these days are a bit hazy.
Jackson Free Press  |  Rob Hamilton  |  09-13-2007  |  Commentary

A Call to Armsnew

After being fired from a local radio station for his comments overseas about President Bush, Kamikaze sounds off about what it really means to be "American."
Jackson Free Press  |  Kamikaze  |  09-13-2007  |  Commentary

Tastefully Ghetto Catwalknew

Stiggers offers ways to dress "tastefully ghetto" in his satirical commentary on the popularized "ghetto fabulous" trends.
Jackson Free Press  |  Ken Stiggers  |  09-07-2007  |  Commentary

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