AltWeeklies Wire

Thumbs Up: Thumbs downnew

NUVO editors rate local news headlines for the week using a time-tested scale of unbiased judgment.
NUVO  |  Editors  |  10-19-2011  |  Commentary

The Land of the Working Stiffsnew

The average American vacation is now a long weekend -- the Bureau of Labor Statistics tells us that one in four of our workers gets no paid vacation at all and 51 million Americans (a third of our workforce) won't take all the vacation days they have coming.
NUVO  |  David Hoppe  |  06-29-2007  |  Commentary

On the High Def Frontiernew

High definition TV will soon become government mandate -- either way, the Cubs will still be on.
NUVO  |  David Hoppe  |  06-14-2007  |  Commentary

God Save the Queennew

Every day a new bonnet in some color seemingly derived from a wildflower cited in one of Shakespeare's plays.
NUVO  |  David Hoppe  |  05-18-2007  |  Commentary

Slain Students Deserve Respect and Justicenew

Of all the sadness of the past week, the Virginia Tech incident was the most depressing and senseless of all.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  04-27-2007  |  Commentary

Shame on Ann Coulternew

The woman who called Arabs "ragheads" after 9/11 and who said Muslims should be converted to Jesus at gunpoint is in hot water after calling presidential candidate John Edwards a "faggot" during a speech on Friday.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  03-09-2007  |  Commentary

The Army's New Pitchnew

The idea of these new ads seems to be that it's going to be tough for you to come up with a better idea than the Army for what your son should do with his life. Right.
NUVO  |  David Hoppe  |  02-22-2007  |  Commentary

Out of Touch With Realitynew

The Grammys highlight why music is dead.
NUVO  |  Steve Hammer  |  02-16-2007  |  Commentary

Marketing a Movementnew

Environmentalists' message needs work.
NUVO  |  Anne Laker  |  02-01-2007  |  Commentary

'Outraged' Over Health Insurance: Gannett Should Get Real Instead

Gannett Newspapers is instituting a "Spousal Insurance Surcharge" that could cost employees up to $150 a month. The nation's largest newspaper corporation ought to channel its frustration about the high cost of health care by advocating for single-payer, universal health care.
NUVO  |  David Hoppe  |  10-13-2004  |  Commentary

Haiku News Writer Tells All in Seventeen Syllablesnew

For those with little time to read a newspaper, NUVO's managing editor summarizes the news in haiku like this one: we have been assured/by Diebold that every/GOP vote counts.
NUVO  |  Jim Poyser  |  08-07-2004  |  Commentary

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