AltWeeklies Wire
Is the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Finally Headed to a Resolution?new
Jan. 30's Iraqi election has not caused a spike in sectarian violence as some thought it would. Meanwhile, over in the wholly unholy Holy Land, Israelis and Palestinians have taken the first baby steps in the direction of a comprehensive peace settlement in more than four years.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
02-17-2005 |
Tags: WAR
What the Heck Are Outposts of Tyranny? (part II)new
The two Outposts more likely to find themselves on the receiving end of some American whoop-ass are two "Axis of Evil" alumni, Iran and North Korea.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
02-10-2005 |
What Options Are There for My Child in the State of the Empire?new
Thanks to George Bush's profligate spending and siphoning of middle-class money to the extremely wealthy, Amy will start her adult life with the, um, "choice" of $40,000 in debt, her share of the trillions-and-counting national deficit.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
John Sugg |
02-10-2005 |
What the Heck Are Outposts of Tyranny?new
Though "Outposts of Tyranny" lacks the pith and pizazz of Bush's first-term classic, "Axis of Evil," its utterance by Secretary of State-in-waiting Condoleeza Rice sent much of the world media into a tizzy.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
02-03-2005 |
Tags: WAR
Lifestyles of the Right-wing and Libidinousnew
The funny thing is that some of the divorce delay bill would really crimp the lifestyles of the right-wing and libidinous. Take Newt Gingrich, for instance.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Doug Monroe |
02-03-2005 |
Are Americans Stingy with Foreign Aid?new
Measured by percentage of gross income, we are in fact the stingiest industrialized nation in the world.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
01-21-2005 |
Tags: WAR
What is a Salafist?new
Increasingly, reporters use the word "Salafist" to describe certain people attacking Iraqi civilians and American soldiers in Iraq, without explaining the term. Andisheh Nouraee describes the Salafists' history and beliefs.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
01-14-2005 |
Women's Lib Gives Way to Female Criminalsnew
The U.S. Justice Department recently gave us all cause to wince when it reported that the nation's female prison population grew over the last decade at almost double the men's rate. For the first time ever, the number of incarcerated women tops 100,000.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Bob Barr |
01-13-2005 |
Liberal Media Myth: MLK Wasn't a Revolutionarynew
The real Martin Luther King has been all but erased from our history. What's left is so anemic -- and so distorted -- that even George Wallace or Lester Maddox or, heaven help us, Zell Miller could claim kinship.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
John Sugg |
01-13-2005 |
How Will the Iraqi Election Work and What Will be the Result?new
On Jan. 30, Iraqis will vote in their country's first direct, multiparty election since 1953. Iraqis had plenty of free and fair elections during Saddam Hussein's reign. The only catch was that you had to freely and fairly vote for Saddam and his Baath Party henchmen.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
01-06-2005 |
Tags: WAR
Don't Panic: Is Pakistan Still an Ally in the War on Terror?new

"Friend." That's what President Bush called Pakistan's military dictator, President Pervez "the Perv" Musharraf during the lovey-dovey, grip-and-grin mini-press conference the two held in the White House earlier this month.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
12-16-2004 |
Tags: terror
Flanking Action: Arlen Specter Makes his Bargainnew
Arlen Specter is a moderate, pro-choice Republican with a not-undesirable history of coloring outside partisan lines. That recurrent independence upsets hardcore partisans and especially administration operatives for whom absolute fealty to the "official" agenda trumps everything.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Bob Barr |
12-09-2004 |
Don't Panic: Did the Fallujah Offensive Shatter the Iraqi Insurgency?new
If you ask Lt. Gen. John Sattler, the Marine who commanded the operation to recapture Fallujah from insurgents, he'll say yes.
Ask someone who's telling the truth, however, and you'll get an entirely different answer.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
12-09-2004 |
Tags: terror
Pinholster Revolutionized Basketball, Then Moved onnew
Every boy in Atlanta forty-three years ago knew the name Garland Pinholster. When I heard his name in another context the other day, I realized how remarkable it was that a sports legend from so long ago found such longevity after the cheering stopped.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Doug Monroe |
12-09-2004 |
Don't Panic: Is Brazil Trying to Develop Nuclear Weapons?new

It's not that the world is necessarily concerned about a nuke-wielding Brazil attacking or antagonizing its neighbors. What's gotten the international community's metaphorical panties in a knot is Brazil's evasive behavior with International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors.
Creative Loafing (Atlanta) |
Andisheh Nouraee |
12-02-2004 |