AltWeeklies Wire

Mississippi: Clawing to the Topnew

When Mississippians start doing this together thing, we quickly find that the culture around us starts changing. We suddenly believe we've got this, we can solve problems, we're as good as anyone else and, by damn, we can even win stuff—hearts and minds, respect, awards and maybe even a national championship or a Heisman.
Jackson Free Press  |  Donna Ladd  |  11-10-2014  |  Commentary

Mrs. Truth, Mr. Humanitynew

I first visited Battle Creek's monument to Sojourner Truth, an illiterate woman who shed her slave name and chose "Truth," saying "... and truth shall be my abiding name."
Jackson Free Press  |  Donna Ladd  |  05-22-2014  |  Commentary

I Am Not Impressed With Dr. Kingnew

I was not one precious little bit impressed with the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial in Washington, D.C. I was stunned at just how unmoved I was.
Jackson Free Press  |  Carole Cannon  |  01-16-2014  |  Commentary

Trayvon, Black Manhood and Lovenew

I want to be loved by an unreasonable love that knows the only reason we're still here, breathing, imagining, fighting, wandering and wondering is because of the unreasonable work of a small but committed group of black southern unreasonable lovers.
Jackson Free Press  |  Kiese Laymon  |  01-09-2014  |  Commentary

Don’t Assume I’m Angrynew

I am so sick of hearing about the "mad black woman," whether it's directed at the first lady or someone right here in Jackson.
Jackson Free Press  |  Funmi F. Franklin  |  01-02-2014  |  Commentary

Overcoming Ableismnew

When my twins were diagnosed with autism at age 2, I did what most parents do: I learned how to advocate for my kids.
Jackson Free Press  |  Laurie Bertram Roberts  |  01-02-2014  |  Commentary

Build an Army for Kids, Not Against Themnew

Many Mississippians are familiar with people who were raised on the slavery-spawned myth that people of color are more violent, which served as a primary justification to keep segregation and even lynching in place; nearly always, an alleged crime was the rationale.
Jackson Free Press  |  Donna Ladd  |  12-19-2013  |  Commentary

Finding Fatherhoodnew

The author’s father spent a few valuable months with his baby granddaughter before passing away.
Jackson Free Press  |  Bryan Flynn  |  06-13-2013  |  Commentary

Priority Womannew

Celebrating taking care of yourself—and making a cocktail-napkin pact to do it more—is as vital as celebrating workplace success.
Jackson Free Press  |  Julie Skipper  |  04-26-2013  |  Commentary

Paper, Pleasenew

In an age when most written communication has gone digital, the wedding invitation stands stalwart as a physical, mailable item.
Jackson Free Press  |  Kathleen M. Mitchell  |  04-07-2013  |  Commentary

Not Saying We’re Perfectnew

Bluesman Bill "Howl-N-Madd" Perry isn't really howling mad. Even when he opens the door of the Two Stick restaurant here for our interview, he has a grin on his face as wide as the swath of sunshine that follows him in.
Jackson Free Press  |  Joe Atkins  |  03-21-2013  |  Commentary

Take It to the Streetsnew

"Urban warriors" is what I've dubbed the growing group of people of all ages in Jackson who are determined to reverse the narrative here. These are people who know that crime is a symptom of much larger problems, and who don't try to use the problem as a way to get cheap votes or attention.
Jackson Free Press  |  Donna Ladd  |  03-15-2013  |  Commentary

Writer's Remorsenew

Being a songwriter means sharing yourself with your listeners—for good or bad.
Jackson Free Press  |  Micah Smith  |  03-08-2013  |  Commentary

Game Onnew

Bridal Bingo is a great way to break the ice between different groups of friends that might not know one another.
Jackson Free Press  |  Nneka Ayozie  |  03-08-2013  |  Commentary

Claiming the Shakenew

Initially I didn't think it that big of a deal. I mean, the YouTube Harlem Shake videos were just that, right?
Jackson Free Press  |  Brad "Kamikaze" Franklin  |  03-08-2013  |  Commentary

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