AltWeeklies Wire
The new sustainable proteinnew
Edible bugs are a largely untapped food source, and not as icky as you think
VUE Weekly |
Mel Priestley |
11-10-2014 |
Tags: protein, food source
Creating a Craft Beer Culturenew
Portland's incredible beer culture didn't happen by accident
VUE Weekly |
Jason Foster |
11-10-2014 |
Fair-Trade Winenew

Wine is decades behind other industries in protecting its workers.
VUE Weekly |
Mel Priestley |
09-04-2014 |
Tags: fair trade, wine
Delicious Regretnew

One of Vue's own takes on a burger eating challenge.
VUE Weekly |
Meaghan Baxter |
05-14-2013 |
A Look Into Alberta's Wine Culturenew

A look at the growing wine industry in Alberta.
VUE Weekly |
Mel Priestley |
05-02-2013 |
Tags: wine
What’s in your food?new

The prevalence of GMOs continues.
VUE Weekly |
Meaghan Baxter |
04-19-2013 |
Tags: GMO
Which Brew Do You Choose?new

The great coffee versus tea debate continues.
VUE Weekly |
Meaghan Baxter |
03-28-2013 |
Documenting Food One Post at a Timenew

Food bloggers bring a distinct voice to Edmonton's food scene.
VUE Weekly |
Meaghan Baxter |
03-21-2013 |
The Art of Food Photographynew

It's more than point and shoot.
VUE Weekly |
Meaghan Baxter |
03-13-2013 |
Tags: Food Porn
A Brief History of Pizzanew

Where it all began.
VUE Weekly |
Meaghan Baxter |
02-21-2013 |
Tags: History of Pizza
From Foot to Plate: Foraging While Trekking Adds a Taste of the Wildnew

There are plenty of plants you can eat while out hiking, you just need to know how to identify them.
VUE Weekly |
Bobbi Barbarich |
04-21-2011 |