AltWeeklies Wire

A Bouquet of Viognier Ripe for the Pickingnew

Viognier continues its dominance as the white wine lover's darling. Chardonnay is so last season, isn't it?
The Georgia Straight  |  Jurgen Gothe  |  03-07-2008  |  Food+Drink

Fully Loaded Tea Brews Up a Business in Blendsnew

The story of how Katya Popoff and Olga Lenova, a pair of sisters, came to be founders and presidents of their own firm starts in their birthplace, Siberia, where herbal teas were part of daily life for them
The Georgia Straight  |  Angela Murrills  |  03-07-2008  |  Food+Drink

Clone, Clone On the Rangenew

Since many cloned farm animals are born with abnormalities, how safe is their meat and milk?
The Georgia Straight  |  Alex Roslin  |  02-22-2008  |  Food+Drink

Nothing Fishy About British Columbia Albacore Tunanew

Albacore tuna from B.C. is just about the perfect fish. Cleaned and frozen at sea, it arrives in your kitchen virginally pale and reassuringly skinless and boneless.
The Georgia Straight  |  Angela Murrills  |  02-22-2008  |  Food+Drink

Playhouse International Wine Festival Impresses with Agenew

Consider the numbers: 1,600 different wines by 176 wineries from 16 countries. Years ago, someone figured out how many glasses that would entail dishwashingwise, and it came to some googly number like 30,000.
The Georgia Straight  |  Jurgen Gothe  |  02-22-2008  |  Food+Drink

Organic Seeds of Changenew

Atomic Red sounds more like a threat to civilization than a potential aid to food security. But this red-skinned, yellow-hearted carrot -- along with its vegetable compatriots -- could well save our dinner tables, according to Mary Ballon, founder of West Coast Seeds.
The Georgia Straight  |  Angela Murrills  |  02-22-2008  |  Food+Drink

Sake to Me, Babynew

Premium sake, which is served chilled, goes down smoothly enough to appeal to those who never developed a taste for the hot-turpentine qualities of the cheap stuff still served in many sushi joints.
The Georgia Straight  |  John Lucas  |  02-22-2008  |  Food+Drink

From Couch to Kitchen: Celeb Chefs Who Inspirenew

Unlike other TV chefs, Jamie Oliver actually motivates viewers to the stove with dead simple and rewarding recipes.
The Georgia Straight  |  Angela Murrills  |  01-25-2008  |  Food+Drink

Faraway Food Productionnew

High energy and land costs raise the stakes for British Columbia's farmers.
The Georgia Straight  |  Ben Parfitt  |  01-25-2008  |  Food+Drink

The BOYs are Back for Another Round of Bestsnew

More Best of the Year wines that made the jaded palate sparkle and buzz.
The Georgia Straight  |  Jurgen Gothe  |  01-18-2008  |  Food+Drink

Rounding Up BOYs From the Year Gone Bynew

The Best of Year import selections.
The Georgia Straight  |  Jurgen Gothe  |  01-04-2008  |  Food+Drink

Van Westen Makes Wines with Va-Va-Voomnew

Speed in acquisition is the name of the game with Van Westen Vineyards' wines.
The Georgia Straight  |  Jurgen Gothe  |  12-17-2007  |  Food+Drink

Seven Drool-worthy Dining Booksnew

If Michelin rates restaurants with stars and wine critics do it by numbers, shouldn't cookbook ratings reflect the speed with which your salivary glands spring into action?
The Georgia Straight  |  Angela Murrills  |  12-10-2007  |  Food+Drink

Seven Gift Ideas for Thirsty Gourmandsnew

Books for wine lovers, including John Schreiner 's Icewine: The Complete Story and Rosé: A Guide to the World's Most Versatile Wine.
The Georgia Straight  |  Jurgen Gothe  |  12-10-2007  |  Food+Drink

Recipe: Game Birdsnew

If you'd rather not see another big bird until next October, there are plenty of delicious options like quail, pheasant, and partridge.
The Georgia Straight  |  Mat Loup  |  11-19-2007  |  Food+Drink

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