AltWeeklies Wire

'Egg on Mao' Praises a Truly Brave Iconoclastnew

With the publication of Egg on Mao: The Story of an Ordinary Man Who Defaced an Icon and Unmasked a Dictatorship, Denise Chong has revived interest in the moral heroism of Lu Decheng and his friends Yu Zhijian and Yu Dongyue.
The Georgia Straight  |  Alexander Varty  |  10-19-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Economic Rogues Run Amok in the Worldnew

Loretta Napoleoni says the epicenter of the economic and financial world is moving eastward, which spells bad news for us in North America.
The Georgia Straight  |  Charlie Smith  |  04-14-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Padma Viswanathan Revives India's Divided Pastnew

On reading a particularly heartbreaking chapter from Viswanathan's intricate family saga, the first-time novelist's aged grandmother took to her bed, feeling upset and perhaps even betrayed.
The Georgia Straight  |  Alexander Varty  |  04-14-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Jack Bryceland Gears Up for 103 Hikesnew

First printed in 1973 and revised once every seven years since then, 103 Hikes was originally authored by Mary and David Macaree. More than 120,000 copies later, it has become perhaps the most trusted reference for hikers in this corner of the province.
The Georgia Straight  |  Stephen Hui  |  03-07-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Alberto Manguel on Optimismnew

The anthologist, essayist, and translator argues that in stories we can find our salvation.
The Georgia Straight  |  John Burns  |  10-12-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Naomi Klein Looks at Shock Wave Troopers in New Booknew

The Shock Doctrine exposes the economic ambulance chasers who take advantage of natural and economic disasters worldwide.
The Georgia Straight  |  Brian Lynch  |  09-11-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

The Father of Cyberpunk Speaks on 'Spook'new

We know that William Gibson's new novel digs into high-tech surveillance and messianism, but what about that mysterious shipping container?
The Georgia Straight  |  John Burns  |  08-13-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Spider Robinson: Collaboration Stationnew

He tends to surround himself with gifted minds to make his fiction more realistic.
The Georgia Straight  |  Alexander Varty  |  05-25-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Michael Chabon Doles Out Wisecracking Oddnessnew

There's all manner of weirdness flavoring The Yiddish Policemen's Union.
The Georgia Straight  |  John Burns  |  05-11-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Unlocking Levelsnew

"This book is kind of a gamble -- it's flat-out irony; there's no respite."
The Georgia Straight  |  John Burns  |  05-15-2006  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Love and Other Catastrophesnew

Adverbs is a world of Lego blocks of unhappiness and isolation, endlessly reassembled -- plus, it's funny.
The Georgia Straight  |  John Burns  |  05-05-2006  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Suzuki Fears For the Leftnew

In his latest book, the renowned Canadian scientist and media figure relates his evolution from war child to environmental activist.
The Georgia Straight  |  John Burns  |  05-05-2006  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

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