AltWeeklies Wire

The 'Unfilmable' Graphic Novel Can, In Fact, Be Enjoyably Filmednew

Alan Moore is a big baby, because Watchmen is a worthy adaptation of his work. It captures a significant amount of the novel's paranoiac essence while making changes to keep things filmable. It's a nice homage to his fine work.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  03-12-2009  |  Reviews

'Watchmen' Is Both a Test of Zack Snyder's Movie Sense and Pop Culture's Maturitynew

With Hollywood's adaptation of Alan Moore's 1986 graphic novel, the future of pop culture hangs in the balance: Post-literary hipster culture meets post-cinematic movie culture to see who will dominate.
New York Press  |  Armond White  |  03-05-2009  |  Reviews

Zack Snyder Delivers Exactly the 'Watchmen' We've Already Seen

You probably don't want a visionary director when it comes to pleasing devotees of a work that they already consider visionary. What you want, really, is a competent hack.
Salt Lake City Weekly  |  Scott Renshaw  |  03-03-2009  |  Reviews

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