AltWeeklies Wire
Kick Out the Jamsnew
Crammed with grainy, shot-on-the-fly mid-80s video footage, recent interviews, and a genuine love for its subject, American Hardcore encapsulates a largely forgotten moment in maximum rock 'n' roll history.
Austin Chronicle |
Marc Savlov |
11-17-2006 |
Tags: American Hardcore, Paul Rachman
No, It's Not About Pornnew
According to filmmakers Paul Rachman and Steven Blush, the story of American hardcore is a short one.
Eugene Weekly |
Molly Templeton |
11-17-2006 |
Tags: American Hardcore, Paul Rachman
'Core Values
Perhaps what's most amusing about Rachman's doc is the kids-these-days! attitude of now-adult, former rebels, ranting against unnamed artists implied to be, say, Good Charlotte or blink-182.
Washington City Paper |
Tricia Olszewski |
10-20-2006 |
Tags: American Hardcore, Paul Rachman