AltWeeklies Wire
Catch Me If You Cannew

Lee's new by-the-numbers heist flick is Spiked with ethnic vaudeville.
The Village Voice |
J. Hoberman |
03-22-2006 |
Tags: Spike Lee, Inside Man
Barroom Sprawlnew
Wenders longs to make narrative choices the way a jazz guitarist chooses licks, capriciously, hunting for grooviness -- but the attempt imbues his movies with the personality of a hungover Beat poet playing dress-up.
The Village Voice |
Michael Atkinson |
03-15-2006 |
Tags: Don't Come Knocking, Wim Wenders
The Unquiet Americansnew
Clintonian crisis managers head to Bolivia to teach a candidate how to buy a presidency.
The Village Voice |
J. Hoberman |
03-01-2006 |
Second Naturenew
A haunting documentary revisits age-old questions of an essential self.
The Village Voice |
J. Hoberman |
02-22-2006 |
Tags: Rupert Murray, Unknown White Male
Altered Statesnew

The Russian thriller Night Watch and the Southern mock-doc CSA: The Confederate States of America imagine scary dystopias.
The Village Voice |
J. Hoberman |
02-15-2006 |
Deeper Throatnew
Reygadas presents a Mexican masterpiece of formal intelligence and unstable perspectives -- plus blowjobs.
The Village Voice |
Michael Atkinson |
02-15-2006 |
Tags: Carlos Reygadas, Battle in Heaven
Long May He Runnew
At 60, a not-so-young Neil confronts death with elegiac hymns to family, friendship and love.
The Village Voice |
Tom Charity |
02-07-2006 |
London Calling?new
The new relationship flick is actually set in NYC.
The Village Voice |
Ed Park |
02-07-2006 |
Tags: London, Hunter Richards
Who Let the Dog Out?new
Justin Timberlake stars in this testosterone-fueled film.
The Village Voice |
Rob Nelson |
02-01-2006 |
Tags: Alpha Dog, Nick Cassavetes
Welcome to the Doll Factorynew
Soderbergh doesn't condescend to middle America, but he doesn't do much of anything else either.
The Village Voice |
Michael Atkinson |
01-25-2006 |
Tags: Steven Soderbergh, Bubble
Plantation Nationnew

Von Trier's redundant Dogville sequel dilutes the vitriol for a didactic tale of democracy gone awry.
The Village Voice |
J. Hoberman |
01-25-2006 |
Tags: Lars von Trier, Manderlay
Delhi Laughsnew
A funny thing happened on the way to the mosque -- Brooks gets lost in translation.
The Village Voice |
J. Hoberman |
01-18-2006 |
Tales From the Hoodnew

Boredom abounds in this animated fairy-tale pastiche of "Little Red Riding Hood."
The Village Voice |
Matt Singer |
01-11-2006 |
Tags: Cory Edwards, Hoodwinked
Middlebrow Blandnessnew
When compared to this tepid lesbian comedy, Brokeback Mountain is the pinnacle of audacity.
The Village Voice |
Ben Kenigsberg |
01-11-2006 |
Tags: April's Shower, Trish Doolan
Ghost Worldnew

This Hungarian film, the most existential of holocaust films, is artistic without cheap or superfluous effects, making it almost mystically translucent.
The Village Voice |
J. Hoberman |
01-04-2006 |
Tags: Fateless, Lajos Koltai