AltWeeklies Wire

Bobcat Goldthwait's Voice Has Changednew

Working outside the Hollywood bubble, the stand-up vet is making comedies in his own register. God Bless!
The Village Voice  |  Karina Longworth  |  04-13-2012  |  Movies

NYU's Snuff Filmnew

A campus-wide clampdown on last year's student film death won't keep us from giving you the whole picture.
The Village Voice  |  Steven Thrasher  |  04-08-2010  |  Movies

V For Violencenew

From Al Basrah to the AMC, film in 2006 meant war.
The Village Voice  |  J. Hoberman  |  01-04-2007  |  Movies

Fakes on a Planenew

Conspiracy buffs craft their own online WTC movies.
The Village Voice  |  Ed Halter  |  08-09-2006  |  Movies

Shohei Imamura, 1926–2006new

Shohei Imamura was an artiste among pulp mavens, a pop comic amid tragedians, a deep-dish cynic and folksy absurdist both.
The Village Voice  |  Michael Atkinson  |  06-07-2006  |  Movies

Before the Revolutionnew

In Cannes' second week, Coppola falters, Linklater rebounds, and Spanish-language films surge.
The Village Voice  |  J. Hoberman  |  05-31-2006  |  Movies

'Code' Unknownnew

Cannes 06's first great film is Southland Tales, a visionary American comedy about the end of times.
The Village Voice  |  J. Hoberman  |  05-24-2006  |  Movies

The New Disaster Movienew

The events of September 11 renewed Hollywood's appetite for destruction.
The Village Voice  |  J. Hoberman  |  05-17-2006  |  Movies

Gordon Parks, 1912-2006new

Parks, the renowned photographer, filmmaker and author, was as self-made as self-made men get.
The Village Voice  |  Greg Tate  |  03-15-2006  |  Movies

Paradise Nownew

Feverish fans of The New World turn Terrence Malick's box office bust into a cult film.
The Village Voice  |  J. Hoberman  |  03-08-2006  |  Movies

Tiger Beatnew

After the Sundance short-shrift, American independent films get their due in Rotterdam.
The Village Voice  |  Dennis Lim  |  02-22-2006  |  Movies

Particles of Truthnew

Illness documenataries, an unembedded Iraq expose and Al Gore vie for attention in a chilly Sundance market.
The Village Voice  |  Rob Nelson  |  02-02-2006  |  Movies

Friends Without Moneynew

The best fiction entries at Sundance 2006 were also the smallest.
The Village Voice  |  Dennis Lim  |  02-01-2006  |  Movies

Bubble Economynew

Steven Soderbergh's latest ushers in a new era of narrowing release windows.
The Village Voice  |  Anthony Kaufman  |  01-25-2006  |  Movies

On 'the Loss to My Own Heart'new

As Roe v. Wade turns 33, Speak Out: I Had an Abortion wrestles with the experience of abortion.
The Village Voice  |  Courtney E. Martin  |  01-23-2006  |  Movies

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