AltWeeklies Wire

Tax Credits Battle Over Bill C-10 Continuesnew

Bill C-10 would grant Heritage Canada officials authority to deny tax credits to filmmakers on the basis of gratuitous violence and sexually explicit content.
The Georgia Straight  |  Charlie Smith  |  03-07-2008  |  Movies

Blu-ray Claims Victory in High-def DVD Warsnew

The death of HD DVD came about faster than I expected, and brings sudden clarity for those consumers waiting to make a move into high-definition DVD.
The Georgia Straight  |  Blaine Kyllo  |  03-03-2008  |  Movies

B.C.'s Women in Film Festival Flips the Chick-flick Thingnew

The stats don't lie: according to a 2006 report by the B.C. Institute of Film Professionals, women accounted for just 11 percent of the directors of B.C. independent features between 2002 and 2006.
The Georgia Straight  |  Jenny Uechi  |  03-03-2008  |  Movies

Genie Awards Appear Genial to Sarah Polleynew

Polley's already slated to receive the juried Claude Jutra Award -- which is given to a first-time director -- for Away From Her at the 28th annual event being held in Toronto.
The Georgia Straight  |  Ken Eisner  |  03-03-2008  |  Movies

Geeks, Puck Bunnies Roll Out on Canuck TVnew

While the Writers Guild of America strike rages on south of the border, new and returning Canadian television productions keep rolling out, covering everything from cross-border issues to techno geeks and puck bunnies.
The Georgia Straight  |  Sean Minogue  |  01-04-2008  |  Movies

Hollywood North's Going Greennew

Whitehorse filmmaker Paul Davis put the Georgia Straight on hold to diligently transfer his laundry's grey water to his toilet so he could flush eco-sensitively.
The Georgia Straight  |  Pieta Woolley  |  12-10-2007  |  Movies

Looks Like Canadanew

Quick. What's your idea of a Canadian movie? This year's rang of Canuck fare -- in both quality and content -- has never been wider than in this year's Vancouver International Film Festival, running to October 12.
The Georgia Straight  |  Ken Eisner  |  09-28-2007  |  Movies

Vancouver International Film Festival Shows Depth of Chinanew

With a wide array of titles, the festival's films certainly reject the notion of a monolithic national personality.
The Georgia Straight  |  Ken Eisner  |  09-21-2007  |  Movies

Green Flick Compete at Toronto Film Festivalnew

The environmentally focused films in Climate for a Change series are competing for a $25,000 prize offered by a green investment firm.
The Georgia Straight  |  Ken Eisner  |  09-14-2007  |  Movies

Vancouver International Film Festival Announces Lineupnew

Veteran program directors Alan Franey and PoChu AuYeung announced the lineup of this year's approximately 300 features from more than 50 nations, including Iran's Persepolis, the German-Turkish The Edge of Heaven, and Romania's 4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days.
The Georgia Straight  |  Ken Eisner  |  09-07-2007  |  Movies

Rising Canadian Dollar Threatens Vancouver's Film Industrynew

According to the British Columbia Film Commission, $1.2 billion was spent on production in Vancouver in 2006, making B.C. the third-largest production center in North America, behind California and New York state.
The Georgia Straight  |  Travis Lupick  |  09-07-2007  |  Movies

Computers Spurred a Filmic Renaissancenew

"Open the pod bay doors" just wouldn't mean as much without our constant companions.
The Georgia Straight  |  Dave Watson  |  06-01-2007  |  Movies

Make Your Own Happinessnew

Asian Canadian female filmmakers are doing it for themselves and inspiring others to do the same.
The Georgia Straight  |  Craig Takeuchi  |  05-25-2007  |  Movies

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