AltWeeklies Wire

Meet Kelly Slater: Golfer, Activist and a Decent Surfernew

On the board, Kelly Slater’s been the youngest and oldest champion his sport has known, claiming a record-crushing nine world titles and earning him comparisons to Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan.
Monterey County Weekly  |  Mark C. Anderson  |  02-11-2010  |  Sports

Greening the Greensnew

Environmentally friendlier golf courses are gaining recognition.
Monterey County Weekly  |  Kera Abraham  |  02-07-2008  |  Sports

Nobody's Perfectnew

Barry Bonds is a baseball hero, even if he did cheat.
Monterey County Weekly  |  Eric Johnson  |  07-12-2007  |  Sports

Stop the (March) Madnessnew

The team that best keeps its collective head at the Final Four will take the NCAA title.
Monterey County Weekly  |  Mark C. Anderson  |  03-30-2007  |  Sports

Born to Runnew

Human evolution made us a species of runners. But it's up to each of us to get off our chairs and do it.
Monterey County Weekly  |  Andrew Scutro  |  01-25-2005  |  Sports

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