AltWeeklies Wire
Could Too Much Gaming Create Problems for Ohio's Casinos?new

Ohio is considering whether to expand gaming through digital slot machines at Ohio's racetracks, a move that would amount to an overnight Cinderella switch, turning cash-bleeding racetracks into slot parlors, or "racinos," in industry-speak
Cleveland Scene |
Kyle Swenson |
04-13-2011 |
Business & Labor
Mortgage Company Breaks Trust With Amish Familiesnew
World Home Lending has lured several Amish families in Ohio into mortgage loans they claim they didn't understand. But when two men in the community warned others to be cautious, the company sued them for slander.
Cleveland Scene |
Lisa Rab |
11-09-2005 |
Business & Labor
Ohio Firm Sues Manager for Breach of Loyaltynew
The president of an Ohio hydraulic-pump firm thought it odd that a South African company planned to build a similar plant nearby and then found out that his special-project manager had been feeding company information to the rival.
Cleveland Scene |
Kevin Hoffman |
07-12-2005 |
Business & Labor