AltWeeklies Wire
Expunging Criminal Recordsnew

People waited up to an hour to ask legal experts questions about Indiana's expungement law, which took effect July 1.
Megan Banta |
08-08-2013 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: expungement Indiana
Guthrie, Steinbeck, Zimmerman, Martinnew

"Why does that vigilante man carry a sawed-off shotgun in his hand? Would he shoot his brother and sister down?"
Kyle Long |
07-15-2013 |
Crime & Justice
Wearhousing the mentally illnew

Deputies often can't anticipate or minimize the damage those prisoners can do to themselves and others.
John Krull |
02-22-2013 |
Crime & Justice
Indiana sinks to new porn lownew

Cutting-edge forensic response enables wide-net perv nab after authorities discover group dedicated to swapping recordings and images of rape and molestation of infants and toddlers.
Rebecca Townsend |
06-27-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Sicko Sexnew

Indiana is gaining a reputation for the way its women are treated - and it isn't pretty. 1 of 5 women raped?! National leader in teen girls experiencing sexual violence!
NUVO Editors |
04-18-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Wear a Hoodie for Trayvon Martin Tonightnew

Hoosiers will rally for Trayvon Martin, the unarmed Florida teen slain without retribution, at 6 p.m. tonight at the American Legion Mall and advancing to Monument Circle.
NUVO Editors |
03-26-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: racial issues, Trayvon Martin
Scooting Out of a Criminal Recordnew
20-plus pardons by Gov. Daniels thus far.
Laura McPhee |
07-12-2007 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Hate Crimes in Indiananew
Recent brutality renews legislative controversy.
Laura McPhee |
06-22-2007 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
A Death Penalty Conversationnew
A diverse array of groups are co-sponsoring an 11-day symposium to explore the pros and cons of one of the most divisive issues in American public policy.
Michael Dabney |
02-08-2007 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice