AltWeeklies Wire

The Takeawaynew

Texas' lax civil forfeiture laws make it easy for cops to take your stuff.
Dallas Observer  |  Eric Nicholson  |  03-18-2015  |  Crime & Justice

Cruel and Usual Punishmentnew

Like thousands of Americans, Sharanda Jones faces life in prison for a nonviolent drug crime.
Dallas Observer  |  Amy Silverstein  |  07-25-2014  |  Crime & Justice

How Rape Victims Cope After Exonerationnew

Debbie Jones spent decades coming to grips with the fact Thomas McGowan raped her. Then she found out he didn't.
Dallas Observer  |  Anna Merlan  |  05-11-2012  |  Crime & Justice

Super Bowl Prostitution By The Numbersnew

100,000 hookers didn't show, but America's latest political scam did.
Dallas Observer  |  Pete Kotz  |  03-10-2011  |  Crime & Justice

Beating a DWI Case May Soon Get a Lot Tougher in Dallasnew

Since last Memorial Day, the Dallas Police Department has had five "no-refusal" weekends, most recently this St. Patrick's Day. So far, 404 people have been arrested for DWI and refused a breath test. In some cases they were physically restrained and forced to give a blood sample.
Dallas Observer  |  Kimberly Thorpe  |  04-06-2009  |  Crime & Justice

Cornerback Dwayne Goodrich: 'The Cowboy Who Killed Those Kids'new

Former cornerback Dwayne Goodrich comes to grips with his hit-and-run of three Good Samaritans as he plans for life after prison.
Dallas Observer  |  Richie Whitt  |  12-22-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Wheels of Justice in Dallas County Public Defender's Office Grind Up a Few Lawyersnew

Lawyer Mike Howard, one of five felony attorneys who have left the office in the last month, says an overburdened caseload drove him out.
Dallas Observer  |  Jesse Hyde  |  09-15-2008  |  Crime & Justice

The Said Girls Made One Deadly Misstep: They Fell in Lovenew

News that a Muslim father had been accused of murdering two beautiful daughters because he disapproved of their boyfriends triggered an instantaneous and predictable reaction from non-Muslims: It had to be an "Islamic" honor killing. The truth is more complex.
Dallas Observer  |  Glenna Whitley  |  06-23-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Life After DNA Exonerationnew

After 27 years in prison, DNA exoneree Charles Chatman tries to pick up the pieces and catch up with a world that has left him behind.
Dallas Observer  |  Megan Feldman  |  02-12-2008  |  Crime & Justice

Sharon Keller is Texas' Judge Dreadnew

When Sharon Keller turned off the clock on a Death Row inmate's last-gasp appeal, she became the most vilified judge in Texas.
Dallas Observer  |  Matt Pulle  |  01-22-2008  |  Crime & Justice

In Texas, a Former Warden Reconsiders Executionsnew

Jim Willett oversaw 89 executions. Now, amidst dozens of DNA exonerations, he wonders whether it was right.
Dallas Observer  |  Megan Feldman  |  11-12-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Holy Land Family Fights Terrorist Labelnew

Despite a hung jury, the trials are far from over.
Dallas Observer  |  Sarah Junek  |  11-05-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Texas Concealed Gun Laws Loosennew

Have a gun? Feel free to travel.
Dallas Observer  |  Glenna Whitley  |  10-29-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Sloppy Record Keeping Causes Headaches in Criminal Appealsnew

A missing court reporter's stenographic notes and tape of testimony in a 1994 criminal trial shed light on the haphazard and antiquated way that Dallas County court records are handled and stored.
Dallas Observer  |  Glenna Whitley  |  09-10-2007  |  Crime & Justice

A Bust Goes Bustnew

A former Dallas Police officer says her partner had no right to search a car for drugs.
Dallas Observer  |  Matt Pulle  |  08-06-2007  |  Crime & Justice

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