AltWeeklies Wire

The Wrong Side of Rightsnew

Alfred Cleveland is not a murderer. Alfred Cleveland has spent 16 years in prison for murder
Cleveland Scene  |  Eric Sandy  |  04-18-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Teen's Shooting Death Was Avoidable, Phoenix Cops Call It "Justified"new

A troubled, 16-year-old black teenager was gunned down by a police officer in Phoenix after getting pulled over in a stolen vehicle. Family members are now protesting the shooting while police call it justified.
Phoenix New Times  |  Stephen Lemons  |  04-18-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Police Protection: Speeding While Silentnew

Houston Police Department policies governing lights, high speeds and sirens are supposedly there to safeguard the public. Tell that to Mattie Etubom.
Houston Press  |  Craig Malisow  |  04-10-2013  |  Crime & Justice

A Question of Identitynew

Which accused L.A. crime figure is a friend of a friend of ex-Los Angeles D.A. Steve Cooley?
OC Weekly  |  R. Scott Moxley  |  04-10-2013  |  Crime & Justice

The Rehab Racketnew

California realigned its prison system more than two years ago, but rehabilitation is still out of whack.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Raheem F. Hosseini  |  04-05-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Nuts to Buttsnew

Controversial prisoner shakedowns could leave New Mexico taxpayers on the hook for damages.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Peter St. Cyr  |  04-03-2013  |  Crime & Justice

UCF Barely Escapes Tragedynew

If James Seevakumaran’s plans hadn’t been interrupted, Orlando would have been ground zero for the next national tragedy.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeffery Billman  |  03-29-2013  |  Crime & Justice

How Many Inmate Deaths Is Too Many?new

San Diego County's incarceration mortality rate leads California's largest jails.
San Diego CityBeat  |  Dave Maass and Kelly Davis  |  03-28-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Death by Designnew

Architect Gerhard Becker faces manslaughter charges after a firefighter died trying to save his home.
L.A. Weekly  |  Gene Maddaus  |  03-22-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Change of Heartnew

Patty Wetterling, whose eleven-year-old son was abducted at gunpoint in 1989, questions the sex-offender laws for which she once lobbied.
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Jennifer Bleyer  |  03-20-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Santa Clara County Official Pleads Guilty to All Chargesnew

Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors President George Shirkawa pleaded guilty to all 12 charges against him. A Metro Silicon Valley investigation first exposed Shirkawa's actions in September 2012.
Metro Silicon Valley  |  Josh Koehn  |  03-18-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Abortion Doctor's Defense: Case Is an "Elitist, Racist Prosecution"new

After reminding jurors about the legal presumption of innocence, the attorney for Philadelphia abortion provider Kermit Gosnell revealed his main theme: Gosnell, a black man, is a victim of an "elitist, racist prosecution."
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  03-18-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Blacks and Latinos Dominate Oakland Marijuana Arrestsnew

A new report also shows that 20 percent of the drug arrests are cannabis-related despite a city law that makes pot the lowest law enforcement priority.
East Bay Express  |  Ali Winston  |  03-06-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Missing the Point on Rape-Prevention Effortsnew

Heated gun debate skewed the representation of colleges' public-safety programming.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Chet Hardin  |  03-06-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Six Things That Have Barely Changed Since Trayvon Martin's Deathnew

Sanford will soon have a new police chief, but other than that, things are still pretty much the same.
Orlando Weekly  |  Erin Sullivan  |  03-01-2013  |  Crime & Justice

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