AltWeeklies Wire

Idaho School Lunches Surprisingly Healthynew

More than 70 percent of our schools in Idaho are serving locally grown food, but nobody knows about it.
Boise Weekly  |  Tara Morgan  |  08-29-2011  |  Food+Drink

The Time is Ripe for Urban Fruit Foragingnew

Mid-August is the sticky sweet thick of wild fruit season. Though red and black currants have come and gone, scattering their pea-sized fruit along the banks of the river, plums, apricots, blackberries and apples are currently coming on in spurts.
Boise Weekly  |  Tara Morgan  |  08-22-2011  |  Food+Drink

Amos Paul Kennedynew

Documentary about Amos Paul Kennedy, who is known for creating provocative letterpress posters that "address the conundrums and outrages of race relations in contemporary America with irreverent humor and verve.
Boise Weekly  |  Tara Morgan  |  11-04-2010  |  Reviews

Phantom of the Operanew

The 1925 silent horror film follows the phantom as he lurks through the Paris Opera House, dropping chandeliers and spooking opera staff and audience members in an attempt to procure the leading role for his romantic interest, Christine Daae.
Boise Weekly  |  Tara Morgan  |  10-28-2010  |  Reviews

Engaging Electro-Pop: Bachelorette Explores Technologynew

While many of Annabel Alpers' lyrics probe the role of technology in modern life it's her druggy, layered pop melodies that leave the lasting impression. Alpers, the sole member of New Zealand band Bachelorette, describes her dreamy laptop-engineered pop as "Bachelorette took too many mushrooms and fell in love with a computer."
Boise Weekly  |  Tara Morgan  |  04-07-2010  |  Profiles & Interviews

Fanfarlo is Fanning the Flamesnew

The bookish British band is on its U.S. tour in support of its first release, Reservoir, which hums with a certain romantic, coal-smudged, steam-punk quality.
Boise Weekly  |  Tara Morgan  |  11-11-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Dodos Take flight with 'Time to Die'new

Expectations were high when The Dodos migrated to Seattle to record their new album Time to Die with indie music icon Phil Ek. Drummer Logan Kroeber said Ek influenced the new album pretty heavily in terms of the production.
Boise Weekly  |  Tara Morgan  |  10-21-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Rise of the Barter Economy: Online Trading Gains Momentumnew

Proponents of bartering tout benefits like increasing disposable income, gaining an appreciation for the true value of the goods and services, and finding an increased sense of community. But it can be hard to know if you're getting a good deal.
Boise Weekly  |  Tara Morgan  |  08-26-2009  |  Shopping

What the Cluck? Urban Chicken Raising Gets Hipnew

Does simplifying agricultural traditions -- and contracting out the unpleasant aspects of rural life -- make the desire for a slice of the country in the city any less genuine? Most would say no and that it takes more than Google to learn how to properly kill a chicken.
Boise Weekly  |  Tara Morgan  |  07-08-2009  |  Gardening

Portland Singer-Songwriter Laura Gibson's Meditation on Mortalitynew

Though somber at points, Laura Gibson's second full-length, Beasts of Seasons, never edges toward macabre. The album emerges as more of a tribute to the plights and longings of the living than a fixation on the inevitability of death.
Boise Weekly  |  Tara Morgan  |  06-24-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

Deer Tick Channels Country & Classic Rock Rootsnew

For a relatively new band, ass-kicking expectations are high. Recently, Deer Tick was named the No. 1 act to claw through the chaos at SXSW 2009 by Rolling Stone, and NBC newscaster Brian Williams selected them to appear on his Web-only show, BriTunes.
Boise Weekly  |  Tara Morgan  |  06-17-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

What's the Real Deal with Idaho-Made Vodkas?new

Recently, a handful of Idaho-made craft vodkas have started appearing on cocktail menus and "buy local" shelves at liquor stores. But what separates the Grey Gooses from the rotguts? Is it ingredients, number of times distilled and fancy filtrations processes? Or just excellent marketing?
Boise Weekly  |  Tara Morgan  |  04-22-2009  |  Food+Drink

Mirah Returns with a New Albumnew

With 12 varied releases notched in her belt, Mirah's music has developed over the years from lo-fi bedroom fuzz to welling, multi-layered thunderstorms. But even with so many recordings, Mirah's newest album (a)spera is only her fourth full-length solo studio album.
Boise Weekly  |  Tara Morgan  |  04-17-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews

The Age of Aquaculture: The Dish on Farm-Raised Fishnew

Buying fish has become confusing and controversial as the debate between farm-raised vs. wild fish grows. What's good, what's bad and what are the larger issues for an industry that's making its presence known.
Boise Weekly  |  Tara Morgan  |  02-18-2009  |  Environment

Bruce Maurey Backs Up the Band. With

While the up-and-coming jam band Equaleyes rocks the house, Maurey is busy painting it.
Boise Weekly  |  Tara Morgan  |  05-07-2008  |  Art

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