AltWeeklies Wire

An Odd Couple Finds a Twilight Lovenew

A septuagenarian love story from Spain, Elsa & Fred will likely warm the cockles of your heart, even though it’s hardly the stuff of great romance.
Austin Chronicle  |  Steve Davis  |  08-01-2008  |  Reviews

Queer Cinema Figurehead Returns With 'Savage Grace'new

You can almost smell the desperation in the twisted psychosexuality of Savage Grace, the film purportedly based on the true story of a mother-son relationship that went tragically wrong.
Austin Chronicle  |  Steve Davis  |  07-18-2008  |  Reviews

Thou Shalt Notnew

This family-oriented adaptation of the Book of Exodus is the inaugural film in a planned franchise of crudely animated Bible stories.
Austin Chronicle  |  Steve Davis  |  10-26-2007  |  Reviews

'The Ten': Thou Shall Notnew

Quirky comedy sketches illustrate each of the Ten Commandments.
Austin Chronicle  |  Steve Davis  |  08-17-2007  |  Reviews

Married With Childrennew

Zach Braff and Amanda Peet play husband and wife who deal with a new child and an old flame in this featherweight comedy that never steps outside its comfort zone.
Austin Chronicle  |  Steve Davis  |  05-18-2007  |  Reviews

Halle Berry: Call Your Agentnew

The fishy smell that permeates Perfect Stranger comes from all of the red herrings flopping around this absurdly plotted Hollywood thriller.
Austin Chronicle  |  Steve Davis  |  04-20-2007  |  Reviews

Ciao, Russianew

An Italian couple's decision to adopt a Russian boy creates a troubling situation for young Vanya, who doesn't want to leave the country without meeting his birth mother.
Austin Chronicle  |  Steve Davis  |  03-15-2007  |  Reviews

The Story Is Only Skin-Deepnew

The three personas Eddie Murphy adopts in this film literally fill the screen, but the script doesn't serve his multidimensional talents.
Austin Chronicle  |  Steve Davis  |  02-09-2007  |  Reviews

We Are Familynew

Dreamgirls is an infectious experience of sequins and songs that lives up to the hype.
Austin Chronicle  |  Steve Davis  |  12-22-2006  |  Reviews

Standing on Shaky Groundnew

This well-meaning social drama about the intersecting lives of a dysfunctional, upper-middle-class family in suburbia and the residents of a deteriorating public-housing project is flimsy at best.
Austin Chronicle  |  Steve Davis  |  12-08-2006  |  Reviews

Disjointed Time/Space Continuumnew

Sarah Michelle Gellar plays a woman who keeps seeing a murder victim in her dreams. What would Buffy do?
Austin Chronicle  |  Steve Davis  |  11-17-2006  |  Reviews

Creepy Weepienew

This oddly dispassionate film about a young man dying of cancer is the French antidote to those Hollywood weepies in which the heroine courageously faces her own mortality with every hair in place.
Austin Chronicle  |  Steve Davis  |  09-22-2006  |  Reviews

The Fruits of Democracynew

Using the Iraqi democratic elections in early 2005 as its focal point, this powerful documentary is the sad lament of Iraqis who truly want the best for their homeland, despite seemingly overwhelming odds.
Austin Chronicle  |  Steve Davis  |  08-28-2006  |  Reviews

Code Warriorsnew

This faithful adaptation of Dan Brown's bestseller treats the novel as if it were a sacred text, even though it's basically a Hardy Boys mystery dressed up in provocative attire.
Austin Chronicle  |  Steve Davis  |  05-26-2006  |  Reviews

A Conspiracy in the White Housenew

This serviceable action thriller disintegrates into an implausible mess that's barely salvaged by the presence of old pros like Michael Douglas and Kim Basinger.
Austin Chronicle  |  Steve Davis  |  04-28-2006  |  Reviews

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