AltWeeklies Wire

An Open Letter to President-Elect Obamanew

Before Tuesday's election results were announced, we asked our fellow Milwaukeeans: If you could sit with the next president for two minutes, what would you tell him about your area of expertise? Here's what they had to say.
Shepherd Express  |  Staff  |  11-10-2008  |  Commentary

Barack Obama for Presidentnew

The 2008 election could alter our course, and Sen. Barack Obama is the one person who could transform that desire for change into real results. That’s why Obama has earned the endorsement of the Shepherd Express as the next president of the United States.
Shepherd Express  |  Staff  |  02-15-2008  |  Commentary

Vote Like Your Life Depends on Itnew

In its endorsement of John Kerry, the Shepherd-Express cites the situation in Iraq, the likelihood the draft will be reinstituted and George W. Bush's opposition to stem-cell research as some of the reasons Americans' lives depend on who gets elected to the presidency.
Shepherd Express  |  Staff  |  11-01-2004  |  Commentary

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