AltWeeklies Wire
One Man's Jail Misery in Harris County, Texasnew
Monte Killian has many of the health problems that people have who wind up in jail -- cavities in his teeth, blood clots in his leg, Hepatitis C and a full-blown case of AIDS. And without proper treatment, he continues to get sicker in the Harris County Jail.
Houston Press |
Randall Patterson |
11-24-2009 |
Crime & Justice
How Many Innocent People Has Harris County, Texas, Sent to Prison?new

Texas has experienced 34 DNA exonerations -- more than any other state -- and "these compounding exonerations," as State Senator Rodney Ellis says, "are clear and convincing evidence that our criminal justice system is broken."
Houston Press |
Randall Patterson |
10-15-2008 |
Crime & Justice