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Safety Not Guaranteed raises low-key and worthwhile questionsnew

Can someone who is very serious about something laughably eccentric be treated with respect? How far can a movie dissociate itself from its plot's reason for existing and remain honest?
INDY Week  |  Nathan Gelgud  |  08-02-2012  |  Reviews

Woody Allen's To Rome with Love explores that whole sad clown thingnew

Ruggero Leoncavallo's famous opera Pagliacci (or Clowns) is a perfect fit for Allen's themes, if not for his lifelong identity: This is the opera where that whole sad clown thing comes from.
INDY Week  |  Nathan Gelgud  |  07-06-2012  |  Reviews

A benign, cozy world in Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdomnew

Anderson makes us long to be in the shoes of these characters by sealing his universe into a well-haberdashed container of nostalgia.
INDY Week  |  Nathan Gelgud  |  06-27-2012  |  Reviews

A surprising killer in Bernie, Richard Linklater's Texas black comedynew

The biggest surprise about Bernie is the way it shifts from a chirpy comedy about cold-blooded murder to a tricky moral tale without weighing down its easygoing tone or casual, jokey spirit.
INDY Week  |  Nathan Gelgud  |  06-01-2012  |  Reviews

A metaphor that's all too easy to follow in Salmon Fishing in the Yemennew

The only way to appreciate this movie about going against the current is to value how effortlessly it flows in exactly the direction you'd expect.
INDY Week  |  Nathan Gelgud  |  03-31-2012  |  Reviews

Prolonged adolescence in Jeff, Who Lives at Homenew

In the second mainstream release from the Duplass brothers, the pieces fit conveniently together; but when the puzzle is so easy, that's not much of an accomplishment.
INDY Week  |  Nathan Gelgud  |  03-18-2012  |  Reviews

Scouting This Year's Short Film Oscar Nomineesnew

The Carolina Theatre will be screening one program for the live action shorts and one for the animated shorts.
INDY Week  |  Nathan Gelgud  |  02-08-2012  |  Movies

Characters can't leave the room in Polanski's latest, Carnagenew

For God's sake, why don't the Cowans just leave? The answer lies in the fact that, for his whole career, Roman Polanski has been interested in domestic interiors and how they take hold of his characters.
INDY Week  |  Nathan Gelgud  |  01-11-2012  |  Reviews

The Best (So-So) Movies of 2011new

Five lists from five film critics, and a few quibbles ...
INDY Week  |  Craig D. Lindsey, David Fellerath, Neil Morris, Nathan Gelgud and Laura Boyes  |  12-21-2011  |  Movies

Charlize Theron Plays a Selfish Writer in Young Adultnew

This movie is about a stupid woman behaving very badly, and it's rebelliously free of redeeming values.
INDY Week  |  Nathan Gelgud  |  12-15-2011  |  Reviews

To the end of the world with Lars von Trier in Melancholianew

Melancholia is a lingering, thorny, beautiful experience that makes our doomed planet and our fickle lives richer for the tiny amount of time we're here to appreciate them.
INDY Week  |  Nathan Gelgud  |  12-07-2011  |  Reviews

My Week with Marilyn's intellectual slovenlinessnew

Director Simon Curtis' film is not effective or well-made enough to make any lasting impressions, but that doesn't mean its sentiments are any less inartistic or offensive.
INDY Week  |  Nathan Gelgud  |  12-03-2011  |  Reviews

Young lovers and Rip City in Gus Van Sant's Restlessnew

This is a love story that doesn't put too much in its lovers' way, even though it does put a time limit on it.
INDY Week  |  Nathan Gelgud  |  10-06-2011  |  Reviews

The Future Charts Modern Anxietynew

The Future follows Sophie and Jason (July and Hamish Linklater, both of them sincere and focused), a couple in their mid-30s emerging from an agonizingly believable extended adolescence.
INDY Week  |  Nathan Gelgud  |  09-14-2011  |  Reviews

Aliens land in an English slum in Attack the Blocknew

In Attack the Block, English comedy writer/ performer and first-time filmmaker Joe Cornish trumps political shortcomings with brilliant, surprising filmmaking, turning a modest sci-fi comedy into the perfect example of what fun movies should be like.
INDY Week  |  Nathan Gelgud  |  09-08-2011  |  Reviews

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