AltWeeklies Wire
Now We're Cooking ... with Pot!new

There's really no better way to get through a holiday than flying high on baked goods. With recipes for Bud Butter, Marijuana Milk, Stoner Suds, Pot Truffles, Chocolate Chip Pot Cookies, Thanksgiving Day Dope Stuffing, and The Green Dragon.
The Portland Mercury |
Katie Shimer |
11-14-2008 |
Hangover Remedies That Sort of Worknew
There really is no "cure" for a hangover. And isn't that bizarre? I mean, with cures for tuberculosis and polio, and drugs that battle anxiety, obesity, excessive lung mucus, and restless leg syndrome, you'd think science could relieve a tiny little hangover. In lieu of a cure, try these innovative methods to help ease you through.
The Portland Mercury |
Katie Shimer |
01-24-2008 |