AltWeeklies Wire
Wesley Wolfe's Pursuit of His Own Finished Productnew

"If I buy a new pedal that can inspire a new song right there because you're working with a new pedal or a new effect. Or if you buy a new guitar to have in the studio, you end up playing it for a little while, and there's different song fragments," says Wolfe.
INDY Week |
Jordan Lawrence |
10-20-2011 |
Profiles & Interviews
A new collaboration lets Shirlette Ammons finally speak on sexnew

"It seems like queerness has become sort of a pop culture circus as opposed to the way some people are choosing to live their lives every day."
INDY Week |
Jordan Lawrence |
06-23-2011 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Shirlette Ammons
Wilmington's Onward, Soldiers are an Unlikely Southern Rock Bandnew

The genre-tweaking folk-rock band Onward, Soldiers is roots rock with a Southern soul and a restless heart.
INDY Week |
Jordan Lawrence |
06-16-2011 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Onward, Soldiers
Ari Picker's Harrowing Emotional Journey to Becoming Lost in the Treesnew

Picker's unhappy past pervades All Alone in an Empty House, the 2008 record the band reworked and rereleased this year on ANTI-.
INDY Week |
Jordan Lawrence |
12-03-2010 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Lost In The Trees