AltWeeklies Wire

Traditional America? It's

While Obama and his supporters celebrate his surprisingly comfortable win, the reality of governing amid undiminished acrimony will soon rear its head.
INDY Week  |  Jonathan Weiler  |  11-14-2012  |  Commentary

Life, death, and the consequences of executive decisionsnew

You might think we don't have ideal or even good choices. But that doesn't mean we lack clear ones.
INDY Week  |  Jonathan Weiler  |  10-15-2012  |  Commentary

Mitt Romney's Contortion of the Truthnew

Three falsehoods merit particular scrutiny in illustrating that Team Romney isn't merely fudging the truth but is, instead, engaged in blatant fabrication as a central campaign strategy.
INDY Week  |  Jonathan Weiler  |  09-12-2012  |  Commentary

GOP governors' criticism of Medicaid expansion is unfoundednew

Medicaid expansion will produce a massive increase in coverage for the vulnerable people who are the program's main beneficiaries, including children, the disabled, the poor and the elderly.
INDY Week  |  Jonathan Weiler  |  08-08-2012  |  Commentary

Drone warfare: politically expedient and disturbingly inaccuratenew

Roughly 50 deadly strikes using drones occurred during George W. Bush's eight years in office. By contrast, in the three-plus years of the Obama presidency, there have been close to 300, and those strikes have killed as many as 3,000 people.
INDY Week  |  Jonathan Weiler  |  05-12-2012  |  Commentary

The Devious, Dishonest Strategy of the National Organization for Marriagenew

One NOM memo outlined a "strategic goal ... to drive a wedge between gays and blacks—two key Democratic constituencies."
INDY Week  |  Jonathan Weiler  |  04-13-2012  |  Commentary

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