AltWeeklies Wire
Concerns About John Negroponte Go Beyond His Bloody Pastnew

President Bush's choice for director of national intelligence will face many obstacles to getting the job done right -- among them, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.
Boston Phoenix |
Jason Vest |
02-24-2005 |
Merry Christmas, Mr. Rumsfeldnew

The call for Donald Rumsfeld's ouster has become nearly universal. But will the defense secretary's critics cop to being just as guilty as he is for bollixing up Iraq?
Boston Phoenix |
Jason Vest |
12-23-2004 |
Politicized Espionage at the CIAnew

Insiders fear that Director of Central Intelligence Porter J. Goss's restructuring -- and his unflinching support for partisan Capitol Hill imports -- will weaken the agency.
Boston Phoenix |
Jason Vest |
12-02-2004 |
Crime & Justice
You Can't Do That on (U.S.) Televisionnew
Footage of U.S. troops terrorizing a former Iraqi army officer and a night-vision film of a U.S. helicopter crew gunning down suspected insurgents were broadcast in Australia, but media self-censorship keeps such reports from being viewed by the American public.
Boston Phoenix |
Jason Vest |
08-07-2004 |
The Anonymous Author of "Imperial Hubris" is Revealednew

The previously unnamed CIA figure who wrote the upcoming negative critique of U.S. politics and the Muslim world says he's more afraid for his job than for his life.
Boston Phoenix |
Jason Vest |
06-30-2004 |