AltWeeklies Wire
Caleb Neelon Traces Graffiti's Hidden History in New Booknew

In a proliferating library of graffiti books, the 410-page The History of American Graffiti stakes a major claim at being the definitive history of the art form. And it's astonishingly illustrated by hundreds of snapshots, mostly by the artists themselves.
Boston Phoenix |
Greg Cook |
04-06-2011 |
Author Profiles & Interviews
Searching for Meaning in the Overly Sanitized Myth of Thanksgivingnew
If you think Plymouth Rock was a crock, you might be onto something. The Thanksgiving story is full of inconsistencies and overblown mythology. We journeyed to southeastern Massachusetts to see if we could set the record straight.
Boston Phoenix |
Greg Cook |
11-30-2009 |
A Powerful New Art Installation Brings the War (and the Pain) Home to Bostonnew
For the majority of us Americans, Iraq and Afghanistan are a series of news-data points by now. That's what makes Krzysztof Wodiczko's new video installation, ... Out of Here: The Veterans Project, so powerful, and so necessary.
Boston Phoenix |
Greg Cook |
11-12-2009 |
Robert Crumb's Return to the Undergroundnew
Rembrandt and Durer explored faith; Crumb, with the help of some psychedelics, opens the doors of perception to the infinite. Same difference.
Boston Phoenix |
Greg Cook |
02-05-2009 |
Tags: Robert Crumb, comic art
Political Puppetsnew
Bread and Puppet Theater founder Peter Schumann is a national treasure. Maybe that’s why George W. Bush wants to bury him.
Boston Phoenix |
Greg Cook |
08-28-2008 |
Everybody Loves Corpsesnew
A German scientist brings a display well-preserved human bodies in wacky poses to Boston's Museum of Science -- and the crowd loves it.
Boston Phoenix |
Greg Cook |
08-03-2006 |
Tags: visual arts
Portrait of the Artistnew
At 68, David Hockney is one of the grand old men of the international art scene.
Boston Phoenix |
Greg Cook |
02-24-2006 |
Tags: visual arts