AltWeeklies Wire
Road to Nowherenew

Why a growing number of Cincinnatians struggle to break free from the cycle of poverty.
Cincinnati CityBeat |
German Lopez |
02-14-2014 |
Tales From the Inside of Ohio's Private Prisonnew

Inmates described violence, staff ineptitude and unsanitary conditions inside Ohio's private prison. Then came the surprise inspections.
Cincinnati CityBeat |
German Lopez |
05-31-2013 |
Crime & Justice
The Chastity Bunchnew

Small-town Ohio Republicans push abstinence-only education while defunding Planned Parenthood and threatening health care for the poor.
Cincinnati CityBeat |
German Lopez |
04-25-2013 |
The War on Women
Not Legal Enoughnew

Ohio no longer grants driver's licenses to children of illegal immigrants despite federal executive action.
Cincinnati CityBeat |
German Lopez |
02-06-2013 |
Losing Democracynew

Redistricting helped the GOP win the House, and it almost caused the U.S. to go over the fiscal cliff.
Cincinnati CityBeat |
German Lopez |
01-03-2013 |
The Evolution of Equalitynew

Are Ohioans ready to recognize my gay marriage?
Cincinnati CityBeat |
German Lopez |
11-28-2012 |
Enquirer Conflicts of Interest Still on Displaynew

It's a good day for journalism when a newspaper's president places the newspaper's needs above her personal ambitions.
Cincinnati CityBeat |
German Lopez |
10-03-2012 |
Cincinnati Enquirer Publisher Resigns from UC Board of Trusteesnew

Newspaper's president says she wants to avoid conflict of interest.
Cincinnati CityBeat |
German Lopez |
10-01-2012 |
Liberty For Salenew

Should Ohio inmates be commodities in a for-profit venture?
Cincinnati CityBeat |
German Lopez |
09-20-2012 |
Crime & Justice