AltWeeklies Wire
The Winners Are(n't)
What should (and therefore won't) win at the Oscars.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Emiliano Garcia-Sarnoff |
02-21-2008 |
The Oscar-Nominated Shorts: Live Action Falls Short, Animation Soarsnew
The selection of animated shorts from 2007 is stellar. The live action shorts, on the other hand, are fairly awful all around (save for one). There are reasons for this.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Emiliano Garcia-Sarnoff |
02-14-2008 |
El Violin Plays a Song That Hurts to Hearnew
It is unsurprising how seamlessly writer/director Francisco Vargas’ filmic language in El Violin melds a 1970s tale of peasant rebellion with intimations toward the country’s entire history of oppression, struggle and survival.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Emiliano Garcia-Sarnoff |
02-07-2008 |
Tags: Francisco Vargas, El Violin
'The Great Debaters': Oprah-ticnew
This Oprah-produced and Denzel-directed historical tale is powerful, but over-polished.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Emiliano Garcia-Sarnoff |
01-03-2008 |
'Gone Baby Gone': A Fleck of Promisenew
Though no modern classic, Gone Baby Gone is a solid, interesting and affecting film that is well worth watching. It's also one of those films that truly challenges audiences to confront big, unexpected questions and leaves them soul searching and squabbling into the night.
Santa Fe Reporter |
Emiliano Garcia-Sarnoff |
10-25-2007 |
Tags: Ben Affleck, Gone Baby Gone