AltWeeklies Wire

Smurf Filmsnew

If UNICEF can use the Smurfs to warn people about war, there’s no reason you can’t use other cartoons to warn them about other evils.
Dig Boston  |  Chris Haire  |  10-26-2005  |  Media

Guitar God Finally Plays Some Fucking Skynyrd!new

Doug Martsch is not afraid of cover songs -- not even the kind of kitschy selections that incite the wrath of record shop clerks and Pitchfork snots. He is not afraid of their criticisms. He is not afraid of their catcalls.
Dig Boston  |  Chris Haire  |  09-28-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Howl Finds Former Fuzz-Rockers Revvin' for Heavennew

Fate can be fickle, even for rock stars, but the stars seem to have finally aligned for Black Rebel Motorcycle least for now.
Dig Boston  |  Chris Haire  |  09-21-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Straight Outta Disneylandnew

With a sprinkle of pixie dust from fairy godfather Michel Gondry and a sparkle of inspiration from the Magical Kingdom, garage band The Willowz is all dressed up and ready to have a ball.
Dig Boston  |  Chris Haire  |  08-03-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Anton Gets Aggro on our Assesnew

Anton Newcombe of Brian Jonestown Massacre and star of the documentary DiG! may just want to be loved, but he is making it really damn difficult.
Dig Boston  |  Chris Haire  |  07-27-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Brit Punks Regroup, Flip Arthritic Bird at Statenew

The Subhumans are back together, on tour, and they're still pissed off about the social and political state of the world.
Dig Boston  |  Chris Haire  |  07-13-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Freaking in Codenew

The Weekly Dig deciphers the playful insanity of indie rockers Mad Man Films.
Dig Boston  |  Chris Haire  |  06-29-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

How the Fellas Got Their Groove Backnew

The Texas-based songsmiths of Spoon have delivered the groove again with their latest album, proving that a band with a terrible name can make great music.
Dig Boston  |  Chris Haire  |  06-01-2005  |  Reviews

Beans: We Like the Cut of His Gibberishnew

This former AntiPop Consortium member tosses a mighty tasty word salad. On his new album, Shock City Maverick, Beans spills the gibberish yet again.
Dig Boston  |  Chris Haire  |  05-05-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

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