AltWeeklies Wire

Media Misogynynew

The twits who have seized the Washington Post and the revival Little Rascals' Wimmin Haters Club at MSNBC have thought to separate themselves from the media herd this political season by embracing misogyny.
Arkansas Times  |  Bob Lancaster  |  03-13-2008  |  Commentary

Enter the Fish Party?new

Huckabee diehards and contemporaneous others with high quotients of unrequited Christian zeal are threatening to start a third political party, having nigh given up on the Donkey and Elephant as incorrigibly godless. Maybe it'll be the Glory Hallelujah Party, its totem the Jesus Fish.
Arkansas Times  |  Bob Lancaster  |  02-14-2008  |  Commentary

God's -- and Huckabee's -- Standardsnew

Mike Huckabee said last week he favors amending the U.S. Constitution to bring it in line with "God's standards." That's a big job that would entail adoption of a number of amendments, and since the candidate didn't specify, I thought I'd help him out by recommending a few.
Arkansas Times  |  Bob Lancaster  |  01-24-2008  |  Commentary

The Best and Worst of 2004new

The ceremonies marking the opening of the Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock were great fun, but Gov. Huckabee’s cell phone call to God was an embarrassment. Other noteworthy events that happened in Arkansas are listed.
Arkansas Times  |  Bob Lancaster  |  01-04-2005  |  Commentary

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