AltWeeklies Wire

How Effective is Canada’s Meat-Inspection System?new

Insiders say Canada’s meat-inspection system isn’t keeping consumers safe from food-borne illnesses.
The Georgia Straight  |  Alex Roslin  |  10-21-2010  |  Science

Monocrops Bring Food Crisisnew

Move over, peak oil and global warming. A new crisis is exploding right now across the developing world: peak food. Rising costs for staples like rice have sparked unrest across Asia, the Caribbean, and Africa this month.
The Georgia Straight  |  Alex Roslin  |  04-21-2008  |  Food+Drink

Clone, Clone On the Rangenew

Since many cloned farm animals are born with abnormalities, how safe is their meat and milk?
The Georgia Straight  |  Alex Roslin  |  02-22-2008  |  Food+Drink

The Quest for the Ultimate Cure for Addictionnew

Ibogaine has been lauded as a miracle cure for addiction to cocaine, crack, heroin, and more.
The Georgia Straight  |  Alex Roslin  |  10-29-2007  |  Science

Are B.C.'s Bee Colonies the Latest to Die Off?new

Most of the Canadian beekeeping industry says the huge bee die-off here actually had nothing to do with colony collapse disorder -- instead, it was simply caused by a harsh winter and an outbreak of Varroa destructor mites.
The Georgia Straight  |  Alex Roslin  |  08-20-2007  |  Animal Issues

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